• Introduce yourself: Part of building community is learning who we each are and how we are on the journey. This forum is about sharing our stories so that we better understand the spiritual path.
  • Respect other users: We’re all on this journey together. We ask that all participants honor and respect others who may have different perspectives, beliefs, or experiences. We refrain from criticizing others, their beliefs, or practices. It is impossible to know the wounds or pain that others carry and criticism and unkindness are never helpful.
  • Please post in relevant sub-forums only: Messages posted in the wrong topic area will be removed and placed in the correct sub-forum by moderators.
  • Content: Posts containing profanity, pornography, explicit violence are not in alignment with our purposes. Content drifting into these areas will be deleted. Individuals who post such content will be blocked from the forum.
  • Illegal content: Re-posting of copyrighted materials or other illegal content is not permitted. Posts containing illegal content or copyrighted materials will be deleted.
  • No spam: All automated messages, advertisements, and inappropriate links to other websites will be deleted immediately. Individuals repeatedly posting spam will be permanently removed.
  • Removal from the Forum: We reserve the right to remove any content posted in our forum that we consider inconsistent with Soul Bridging’s values and intended purpose. Additionally, we reserve the right to remove and block users who we determine have engaged in these separative types of postings.