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Spiritual Astrology – An Overview

Traditional and Spiritual Astrology – A Soul of Difference

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A Soul of Difference

Each of us carries within us a divine spark that has its source in the one life. Referred to by many names, we know this one life as God, Jehovah, Yahweh, or Parabrahma. Our spiritual journey is to learn to connect to our divine spark and how it connects us to the body of the greater life. Through this journey we find the way to unity and ultimately, synthesis.

We have a physical form that the soul must work through. This form has layers of consciousness and includes the physical, emotional, and mental bodies. As we evolve, we learn how to master and use each of these tools effectively. Some of us are very focused on perfecting our physical form. We are attentive to purifying our bodies, mindful of what we eat, our exercise, and our health. Others are more focused on our managing our emotional bodies and learning how to use our emotions effectively without be used by them. Still others are focused on developing their minds to be instruments of learning that can be applied wisely.

To provide an example of this, consider how two individuals born in exactly the same place at exactly the same moment will have identical astrological charts. Yet, they express their astrological energies very differently. They will also express varying degrees of spiritual awakening and consciousness. One may not yet have an integrated personality, the other is born wired to perceive himself and the world as interconnected.

So, how do we account for individual variation in the personality expression for these two people with identical charts? Some of this may certainly be related to a nature/nurture aspect of their development. But children raised in the same family with similar circumstances, challenges, and drama develop their consciousness very differently. This shows that the energetic blue print (natal chart) alone does not account for the inherent differences in their ability to experience and express their soul’s intention.

The primary reason for this difference lies in their evolved consciousness. Their souls are in different stages of development and they are able to use their physical tool with differing degrees of competency. One may still be building their spiritual foundation in form, while the other is constructing the roof to reach the heavens. Their time on the spiritual path and their previous evolutionary and incarnational experiences have created these essential differences.

At the moment of the individual’s first breath of life, the energies of the astrological field (as represented by the natal chart) create a pattern for their individual energy system. But, their systems express the pattern differently. Traditional Astrology does not provide for an explanation for this, and these are huge differences that cannot be overlooked as we seek to understand ourselves, our natures, and our work in the world.

As a layered tool that enables us to work within the astrological framework, Spiritual Astrology provides a means to understand ourselves in a deeper way. Through it we can explore the purpose of incarnation. It can help us answer transformational questions like, “Why am I here?”, and “What is my purpose?”. It also provides a means to understand our soul gifts and how we they can be used in their most elevated and uplifting way.

While Spiritual astrology helps us to understand how the soul wants to express through the lifetime, it can also reveal how the personality blocks its progress. We can gain important information and guidance around what we can do to minimize the personality getting in the way of the soul’s work.

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Michael Robbins

Heidi Rose Robbins

“If we know who we are, we will know what to do.”

~ Heidi Rose Robbins

As with Traditional Astrology, The Sun, Moon, and Rising are important ways to begin to understand the life’s energy flow. With Spiritual Astrology though, additional emphasis is placed on the Rising Sign or Ascendant. The ascendant refers to the point that is rising above the Eastern Horizon (the direction of the spirit) at the exact time of birth. The rising sign is an indicator of the soul’s potential; what its highest intention is for the lifetime. Importantly, this isn’t predictive. It represents only what is possible when we live with consciousness and intention.

To understand how astrological forces impact us, consider that energy underlies matter. All matter is energy, vibrating at some level. These vibrations emanate into the field around them, touching and influencing others in the field. Just as we emanate vibrations into the field around us, the planets and celestial bodies in our solar system (and the constellations beyond), express an energetic field of influence.

These planetary beings (including the Sun, and planetoids such as the Moon and Pluto) do not exist in isolation. We influence the field of energy we live, emote, and work in, So also, we live, breathe, and journey in a sphere of energy that includes their influence. And, when we begin to view this as the holistic, interconnected truth of life, the aspect of these large entities having an impact on our energy systems cannot be ignored. Their energies have a meaningful impact on our energy fields.

You will quickly note that signs have different planetary rulers in Spiritual Astrology.  Each planet emanates a specific frequency, or note. We can understand their significance and learn to use their energies in our own spiritual development and journey to wholeness. Spiritual Astrology focuses on the higher vibratory frequency of the planet.

You will hear references to the ‘The Seven Rays’ during the video content contained in the course. The Seven Rays is the energy (think of this as vibrations) that emanates from the center of our galaxy, through our solar system and its planets and constellations. Click here to learn more about the Seven Rays.

To deepen your understanding of energy and vibration, explore our award-winning documentary: Vibration: The Symphony of Life