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Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Leo

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The Labors of Hercules


Killing the Lion of Nemea

You will resonate with Leo if you have the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Leo or if you have the moon or Ascendant in close aspect to Sun. You will also be influenced by Leo if you have several planets in the fifth house, or if you were born with the Sun in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house.

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Labors of Hercules

Hercules and the Nemean Lion

Listen to Kathy Newburn Summarize the Myth in Leo



The Task for Leo: Transforming the Personality from its Expression of “I” to the Soul’s Expression of “i”


In the myth, Killing the Lion of Nemea, we learn what it means to pursue, capture, and harness the personality so that it can be an effective instrument of the soul. The process of gaining control of the personality is fierce, cunning, and requires a focused pursuit of the shadow aspects of our identity.

Leo’s strengths and gifts:

  • Bold
  • Strong
  • Confident
  • Proud
  • Courageous
  • Creative
  • Playful
  • Center of Attention

Leo’s shadow and weakness:

  • Arrogant
  • Attention Seeking
  • Unable to share the stage
  • Belittling Others
  • Unapologetic
  • Superior
  • Self-promoting
  • Lacking self-reflection

Click on the link  to listen to a reading of The Capture of the Man-eating Mares from The Labours of Hercules, by A. A. Bailey

~ Read by Karen Johannsen

The Myth

The Lion of NemeaThe Nemean Lion, born as the offspring of Zeus and Selene, is said to have fallen from the moon. The lion is ferocious and ravaging and terrorizing those who live in the area of Nemea.  It is said to have claws that were so sharp that they could cut through armor. The lion could not be killed with mortal weapons as its skin resisted penetration. Hercules’s is instructed by Eurystheus in this labor is to find, kill, and bring the skin of the Nemean Lion to Eurystheus.

Hercules takes only the club that he fashioned from the olive tree with him into this labor. On the journey, he acquires a bow and arrows as well. He searches from place to place seeking the lion, but it remains elusive. He continued the search in ever-narrowing circles until eventually, hearing Lion’s roar, he sees him at the edge of a thicket. Using the bow and arrows, and with a steady aim and eye, he directs an arrow, straight and accurate, right at Lion’s shoulder. But, the shaft and all those that follow bounce off the lion’s golden skin and fall to the ground.

Hercules drops his bow to the ground and rushes the lion with wild shouting. The lion then turns and disappears into a thicket. Hercules continues the chase in ever smaller circles until the lion suddenly disappears. Now armed with only the club that he fashioned himself, he sees a cave and hears the Lion roar from deep within. Hercules enters the darkness of the cave but discovers that the lion has escaped out a second entrance.

Around and around they go until Hercules creates a blockade to prevent the lion from exiting the cave. With the exit from the cave blocked, the lion finds himself trapped within the cave. Hercules creeps through the dark, and comes face-to-face with the lion. Striking him with a blow from his mighty club, the lion is stunned. Hercules then grabs the lion by the throat and chokes him until he is dead.

Hercules attempts to remove the lions hide but it is so tough, he must use the lion’s own claws to remove its skin. After removing the lion’s hide, he wears the coat as a cloak and returns to Eurystheus, who is terrorized by the sight of Hercules. He vows never to be alone with Hercules again.

What the Myth Teaches Us

The Lion of Nemea was said to be born of the moon. His moon association provides important clues about the lion’s affinity with the emotional body. He is an intelligent and coordinated hunter, tricking and trapping his prey, which he then devours. But his nature is wild and unregulated, and his presence in the environment brings terror to those sharing his community.

The Nemean lion signifies the integrated, effective, yet uncontrolled personality. The myth mentions two specific aspects of the lion’s physical form, and this helps us to understand his impact. He has claws that can cut through armor, and his skin is impenetrable to the weapons available to Hercules to kill from a distance. Through these details, we understand that he is the representative of the unawakened Leo.

The lion’s skin is impervious to arrows, and they bounce off his coat. So, Hercules chooses to use a club that he fashions out of olive wood. The olive tree is a significant symbol as it represents the intention of creating peace. The soul wishes to make peace and form relationship with the leonine personality. A club is a blunt, brutal, and personal weapon so it requires that there is close contact between the lion and Hercules in order for the lion to be defeated. The intimacy necessary in the task helps us to understand that we need to get close to the wildness of the personality. In the process, it is likely to get messy in battle. We learn here that we must use the right tools when dealing with personality (ego) for transformation.

Cave The lion is clever and elusive. He “plays” with Hercules, leading him on a chase. Their circular cat-and-mouse game symbolizes the need for the soul to maneuver around the integrated personality in an environment with which it is comfortable. The wild and elusive aspects of personality want to remain independent and un-redeemed, and so the soul-self must persistently be “in pursuit” to capture and arrest it’s personality aspect.

The cave is an essential symbol of the heart (Leo rules the heart). Esoterically, we understand that there is a cave within the heart (the birthplace of intelligent love). But, also there is a cave within the head (the place where loving intelligently is refined). When accessed and activated, the cave acts as the portal where we re-unite with Gaia, earth mother, and goddess so that we gain access to deeper levels of consciousness. Within the cave (notably, the cave within the head) the soul and personality unite in divine marriage.

The myth has Hercules using the lion’s own claws to remove its skin. At some point, our personality nature is chased, trapped, and ultimately transformed by the very tools of destruction that the unintegrated personality uses against others. This ‘skinning of the ego’ is a necessary step so that the soul can manifest fully. When Hercules dons the lion’s skin, he is demonstrating how the personality in Leo, when in service to the soul becomes a powerful and awe-inspiring figure.

Then the transformed Leo radiantly expresses the loving wisdom that is the jewel of their integrated nature.

The Spiritual Task

The personality in Leo is driven to establish identity, independence, and leadership. The quest for leadership, however, can drive the unawakened Leo to dominate and rule others. This lower Leo lives with a self-absorbed preoccupation with himself. Like the planets rotating around the Sun, the lower Leo believes everyone must revolve around him. His reality can be self-absorbed and self-referencing, leading to a disregard for those he interacts with.

The Nemean LionThrough his desire to dominate and rule his world, the unawakened Leo can wound, dominate, and belittle those around him. These shadow qualities are aspects of an unawakened and unintegrated Leo personality. When left unregulated, this personality is destructive to those he contacts. A quote from 1st Peter in the Bible provides an emphasis on this.

Your adversary, the devil, like a roaring lion, walks about, seeking those he might devour.

1 Peter 5:8

To understand, rule, and love others, the personality in Leo must first understand, rule, and love him/her self. Without this Leo will never be a good leader. There must, however be a growth where there develops a recognition of ‘other’ as one who deserves to have a voice and attention in the world. As self-knowledge develops, the enlightened Leo learns to use their will for purposes beyond self-interest. But they must be willing to brave the dark cave of their inner drives and energies. These shadow aspects of self can be elusive and must be relentlessly pursued and captured so that they can be transformed.

Applying the Lesson in Everyday Life


Leo by Jhofra Bosschar

If you haven’t already done so, it may be helpful to read the article “Spiritual Transformation is a Team Activity” https://soulbridging.com/spiritual-transformation-captain/. This useful article highlights how the energy of the personality shifts its expression from personality dominance to soul control.

The Leo personality must lead. But first, they must develop the self-knowledge to recognize their self-centeredness and self-absorption. Only then, can they learn to use their stunning power and leadership wisely. The personality in Leo can benefit by looking to its opposite sign, Aquarius for a remedy for its “I-driven” preoccupation. The spiritually mature Leo will seek to use the Aquarian’s ability to detach and gain a broader perspective. They can benefit by practicing to be comfortable with being lost in a group. In this way, they can learn to shine their radiant light, and it will become a beacon of leadership for others.

Explore the Ancient Keynotes

These ancient and profound Keynotes provide insight into the expression of the sign by the personality and the soul. Kathy Newburn explains how we can better understand their meanings.


PracticeIt is helpful to meditate on and ponder the ways that the personality uses the energy of Leo to initiate and act in the world. Consider how the spiritually mature Leo native uses the power of the sign. Take some time to journal your answers to the following questions. This will support you to deepen your awareness and integrate the highest expression of Leo and to manifest it in your everyday life.

Leo is a fixed fire sign, ruled by the Sun. The Sacred Mantram for Leo,”I am That and That I am”, rovides important clues to the Leonine task. You are one amongst millions of others. Live your shining light, but so that it is a light for others and uplifts all.

The Voice of the Personality in Leo Says, “Let other forms exist, I rule.”

The personality in Leo can prove to be difficult. They are powerful, willful, agressive, and demanding to be the center of attention. It is necessary for the personality in Leo to learn that their drive for power and authority must be guided by their higher spiritual purpose.

Questions for Transformation of the Personality

  • Do I tend to control others and make decisions for them? If so, from where within me does that arise?
  • What do I need to do to gain access to that inner drive for power?
  • What are the impulses that cause me to act or react in a particular way? Does that impulse arise from my inner guide, or from habits, old patterns, or values that drive me?
  • Do I have a blind belief in my destiny, one which leads me to demand to lead?
  • How willing am I to change and look deeply at my beliefs, values, and habits?

The Voice of the Soul in Leo Says: “I am That and That I am.”

The Lion of the Soul (symbolized by Hercules in the myth) must wrestle with and defeat the Lion of the Personality so that it becomes the instrument of the soul. When he has accomplished this, then the personality becomes a garment worn by the soul for its expression in the world.

Questions for Expression of the Personality

  • Does what you do with your life arise from the discovery of your deeper purpose?
  • Are you able to experience and rule over your own energies?
  • Do you use your creative energy in a way that demonstrates love and generosity?
  • Do you use the dramatic and creative energy you have access to in a way that uplifts and enlightens others?