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Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Virgo

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The Labors of Hercules


Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte

You will resonate with Virgo if you have the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Mercury or if you have any of these in close aspect to Mercury. You will also be influenced by Mercury if you have several planets in the sixth house, or if you were born with the Mercury in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house.

Don’t know your chart? You can request one here.


Hippolyte’s Belt

Listen to Kathy Newburn Summarize the Myth



The Soul’s Task in Virgo: Manifesting the Sacred Impulse through Purification.


With Hercules and his encounter with the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyte, we experience our first real step into the spiritual realm. In Virgo, there is attention to order, organization, and purification of form. The divine feminine, as the source of all manifested matter, requires partnership and honor for her generosity. When we balance the impulse of creation of the masculine with the feminine power to create, then the true expression of spirit can manifest.

Virgo’s strengths and gifts

  • Modest
  • Humble
  • Responsible
  • Organized
  • Altruistic
  • Hard-working
  • Practical

Virgo’s shadow and weakness:

  • Critical
  • Excessively Detailed
  • Perfectionistic
  • Obsessive
  • Worrier
  • Conservative
  • Fussy

Click on the link below to listen to a reading of The Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte from The Labours of Hercules, by A. A. Bailey

~ Read by Karen Johannsen

The Myth

In this labor, Eurystheus orders Hercules to capture the belt of Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons. The Amazons were not of the Amazon region in South America but were a tribe of women warriors from the Middle East. This strictly female tribe invented and perfected Girdle of Hippolytethe skill of fighting on horseback. Hipployte, because of her excellence in warfare, was gifted a leather belt from Apollo, which was said to give power to the one who wore it.

She wears the belt across her chest and uses it to carry her sword and spear. Because Eurystheus wants to give it to his daughter Admete, he sends Hercules to get it for him in this labor.

His men joined Hercules, and together they all travel to the land of the Amazons. Upon arrival, Hippolyte meets Hercules at the harbor. After explaining the purpose of his journey, Hippolyte tells Hercules that she would offer the belt to him as a gift so that he will succeed in his task.

Hera once again strives to undermine Hercules, though. She disguises herself as an Amazon and tells each of Hipployte’s women that Hercules’ real intention is to abduct the Queen. Furious, and intending to protect her, the women don their armor and weapons and storm Hercules and his men. During the mighty battle that ensues, Hercules draws his sword, kills Hippolyte, and takes the belt from her.

On his return journey, Hercules rescues Hesione, the daughter of the King of Troy, who has been sacrificed to a great sea monster. Hercules returns with the belt to Eurystheus, who gives it to Admete.

Understanding the Myth’s Symbols and Meaning

Hippolyte, as Queen of the Amazons, symbolizes the mother aspect and the divine feminine for all women. As with all mother figures such as Mary, Eve, Isis, and Gaia, she represents the profound capacity of the feminine to provide, nurture and support life.

the Girdle of HippolyteThe Amazons were warrior women who lived apart from men, who were intentionally rejected from their realm. Male infants were rejected from their tribe at birth. This fierce, female warrior tribe become reknown for their perfected skill of hunting and battle on horseback. As excellent archers, their skillful use of the horse during hunt and battle symbolizes balance between the instinctual and tamed aspects of personality. Here we see the divine feminine in its condition of freedom and its ability to ride and stay above the animal nature.

The belt was a gift to Hippolyte from her father in recognition of her mastery in battle. The belt had magical properties and symbolized the unity that is achieved through struggle. She offers her belt as a gift to Hercules, and through this gift, she affirms that the divine feminine, who rules all matter, generously provides her gifts to those who ask. However, believing that the masculine hoard’s real intention is to abduct the Queen, a battle ensues between the Amazons and Hercule’s men. In the battle Hercules kills Hippolyte.

The battle between the masculine and feminine forces plays out in this myth. The slaughter by Hercules of the feminine energy that provides him with what he requires is humanity’s failure. In order to access the power of spirit, and rightly use the resources the divine feminine provides, we must destroy our attachment to matter and form.

The destruction of the divine feminine is not the path to unity. It is only through realizing and honoring its gifts can balance and unity be achieved. So, while Hercules is successful in acquiring the belt, he fails by killing Hippolyte and demonstrating a misuse of the nature of substance.

Hercules now requires redemption for his misdeed. On his return journey, Hercules encounters Hesione who is chained to a rock as a sacrifice to a sea monster. Hercules rescues her and sets her free.

The Spiritual Task

The first real step into the realm of spirit occurs in the sign of Virgo. Virgo is ruled traditionally by Mercury, where it activates the intellect and mediator  so that the unity of spirit and matter may be revealed. In its higher expression, Virgo is ruled spiritually by the moon, which veils the transformative power of the planet Vulcan (said in ancient writings to be a planet in subtle substance between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun). In Virgo, we again see how the transformative power and pressure of Vulcan serves for the creation of new vehicles in support of the soul’s expression. Through this process, we achieve perfect form and destroy the attachment to matter.

Virgo is a mysterious and veiled sign. It is through our work of perfection in Virgo that we earn access to the world of spirit. While this has a literal interpretation related to the perfection of form, it includes the perfection of personality. It is through the perfected personality nature that the soul expresses most effectively, and so purification of personality is required in our evolution.

Virgo must take care of the physical realm, but in the process, it must not lose sight of the spiritual reality that underlies the form. Spirit must not be slaughtered in pursuit of matter.

Applying the Virgo Lesson in Everyday Life


Johfra Bosschart

If you haven’t already done so, it may be helpful to read the article “Spiritual Transformation is a Team Activity” https://soulbridging.com/spiritual-transformation-captain/. This useful article highlights how the energy of the personality shifts its expression from personality dominance to soul control as the soul begins its influence .

The personality in Virgo seeks to see beyond outer forms to the essential spirit that underlies or animates it. A focus on building, nurturing, and shaping form so that it effectively expresses its divine nature (perfection) is a central task for the Virgo native.

Explore the Ancient Keynote

These ancient and profound Keynotes provide insight into the expression of the sign by the personality and the soul. Kathy Newburn explains how we can better understand their meanings.


PracticeVirgo is ruled traditionally by Mercury and spiritually by the Moon. It is helpful to meditate on and ponder the ways that the personality uses the energy of Virgo to manipulate and use form in the world. Consider how the spiritually mature Virgo native uses the energy of the sign. Take some time to journal your answers to the following questions. This will support you to deepen your awareness and integrate the highest expression of Virgo and to manifest it in your everyday life.

The Voice of the Personality in Virgo says: “Let Matter Reign”.

The personality in Virgo wants to focus on detail and the form matter takes. The saying “The perfect is the enemy of the good” is an important one for the Virgo native who seeks absolute perfection, as the quest for perfection can have a strangling hold on creativity. When seeking perfection and order in form, the Virgo native can become critical, tedious, and perfectionistic. The personality seeks analysis, order, and structure.

Questions for transformation of the personality:

  • How good must something be for me to feel satisfied? Is absolute perfection always necessary?
  • Does my need for perfection cause others that I live or work with discomfort or distress? Does perfection get in the way of relationship?
  • Service is important to Virgo natives. Are you in right-relationship with service? Is service a way in to love?
  • Does constantly working to establish order and systems make you cranky?  If so, what is driving you to feel a need for order and systems? Is this impacting yoru relationships?
  • What would it feel like to shift your perspective from what is wrong with something to what is right about it?

The Voice of the Soul in Virgo Says: “I am the Mother and the Child, I God, I Matter am.”.

The soul in Virgo is under the rulership of the moon, veiled by Vulcan (and Neptune), so there is a transformative effect that is seeking to be expressed, much as in the sign of Taurus. But in Virgo, the soul is seeking to look beyond the form to the spirit that is seeking to express through the form.

Questions for Expression of the Soul:

  • How does the environment in which I create or serve support the expression of spirit?
  • What do I need for a creative ‘flow’ of energy to be available to me in my work or service?
  • When I am serving others, whether in building something, creating organizaiton, or order, do I feel a sense of fulfilment?  If not, what is driving your service (obligation, guilt, expectation)?
  • Do you see yourself as being better than other people?  Where from within you does that come from?
  • Why do you feel a need to compare yourself to others?