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Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Libra

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The Labors of Hercules


The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar

You will resonate with Libra if you have the Sun, Moon, or Ascendant in Libra or if you have any of these in close aspect to Venus. You will also be influenced by Libra if you have several planets in the seventh house, or if you were born with the Venus in the first, fourth, seventh, or tenth house.

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The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar

Listen to Kathy Newburn Summarize the Myth in Libra



The Soul’s Task in Libra: The Use of Energy to Obtain Balance, Justice, and Right -Relationship


In this labor, Hercules is told to capture the wild boar, which is a symbol of the desire nature. He is instructed to mtake time to eat and rest on the way , and this is an important aspect of a balanced life. But, as Hercules connects with friends, they eat and drink to excess, and conflict arises.  Chaos ensues resulting in the death of his friends who symbolize physical strenght and wise thought.  He ultimately goes on to capture the boar at the top of the mountain and brings him to Eurystheus.

Libra’s strengths and gifts:

  • Charming
  • Harmonious
  • Easy-going
  • Fair-minded
  • Cooperative
  • Sociable
  • Diplomatic

Libra’s shadow and weakness:

  • Indecisive
  • Superficial
  • Gullible
  • Changeable
  • Self-indulgent
  • Manipulative
  • Deceitful

Click on the link to listen to a reading of The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar from The Labours of Hercules, by A. A. Bailey

~ Read by Karen Johannsen

The Myth

In this myth, Hercules’s task is to capture the Erymanthian Boar. This huge and bad-tempered wild pig has been attacking people in the countryside and destroying everything in its path. Weary of death, Hercules vows not to kill the boar in this task.

He sets out on the journey and on the way, he stops to visit his old friends, the centaurs, Pholus and Cherion. They shared a Centaurmeal, and Hercules asks his friend for wine. Pholus opens a cask of wine that was a gift from Dionysus and meant as a group gift for all the centaurs. Hercueles, Pholus, and Cherion drink all of the wine. The rest of the centaurs, attracted by the scent of the wine, arrive and become angry that the wine intended for all of them was gone.

In anger, they charged and attacked Hercules in punishment. Hercules draws his arrows, which were tipped with the poison. One-by-one the centaurs, including Cherion fall. Curious about the rapid cause of death from such a small weapon against a centaur, Pholus picks up one of the arrows. The arrow slips from his fingers and pierces his foot. Pholus, Hercules’s friend dies of the deadly venom.

In sorrow over the loss of his friend, Hercules sets out again on his quest. He tracks the boar to the mountains and drives him into the deep snow. He traps the boar, binds him, and returns to Eurystheus with him. In the myth, as written by A.A. Bailey, she describes Hercules forcing the boar down the mountain by holding its two rear legs like a wheelbarrow.

Understanding the Myth’s Symbols and Meaning

The boar is an important representative of the Libran in this task. The boar is a symbol for the ability to meet uncomfortable situations directly so that things can be clarified and resolved fairly and equitably. This provides insight into the Libran native’s imperative to deal with different perspectives directly and to find balance. Boars live independently and will protect their territory with zeal and passion and this is a valuable clue to the highest relational expression of Libra. They must learn not to sacrifice their independence and individuality to partnership.

Hercules stops for companionship with his friend Pholos before capturing the boar. This stopping for food signifies the requirement that we must satisfy our physical pleasures before we attain self-mastery.

A centaur is half-man, half-horse. They are earthy creatures with a love of sensuality, food, wine, and sex. They can be kind and loving but are free spirits (think of the sign of Sagittarius, represented by the centaur). The centaurs live in the forests beyond the laws of man. They have a reputation for being barbaric and for fostering chaos. In this myth, the centaurs hold a place for the animal nature of man. Pholos, representing physical strength, breaks the rules of the group – evoking upset and chaos. Cherion, represents wise thought. They are both  killed in the melee that follows dinner and drinking. Bodily strength and wisdom must be destroyed, so that the voice of the deeper self, the soul may be heard.

Erymanthian BoarWine is an important symbol of transformation, sustenance, and life. Wine is sacred and requires work so that grapes can be transformed through crushing and fermentation. With the complete break-down of its original form, something new and sacred manifests. And so, we can understand wine as a symbol of a completed and perfected life. Consumed only by Pholos and Hercules, the wine, which was gifted to all for their transformation was misused.

The poison arrows in the myth are any pointed negative energy, such as harsh words or action, used against another. While Librans have a reputation for being gentle and diplomatic, they can also be fierce when it comes to issues of justice and fairness.

It’s significant in the myth that Hercules avoids direct contact with the boar, choosing to exhaust it. He relentlessly and persistently pursues him. Rather than capture him during the hunt, Hercules follows him to the top of the snow-covered mountain where the boar collapses in exhaustion. The mountain top is the place of transformation – where our highest nature is revealed to us.  And so, Hercules, the soul, has pursued and exhausted the boar, as the soul awaits the collapse of the personality so that he can take control of it.

Directing the boar down the mountain helps us understand the personality as an unwieldy an awkward instrument that requires the work of the soul to direct. Hercules represents the soul controlling the uncoordinated ungainly personality down from the place of spirit and transformation.

The Spiritual Task in Libra

Libra is ruled traditionally by Venus and spiritually by Uranus. It is the sign at the midpoint of the zodiacal wheel, and importantly, it is the sign of where the turning of the wheel of incarnation occurs. Balance and equilibrium are important themes for the libra native, and this is evidenced in its zodiacal glyph.

Libra seeks to balance the pairs of opposites. It is the only astrological sign without a living symbol (the scales). While Librans have a well-earned reputation as diplomats and peace-lovers, they must find and earn the place of balance. Swings between the extremes are often part of the process that Librans experience to establish balance. The chaos and discord that erupted for Hercules and his friends after dinner and wine shows how “Taking time to eat and enjoy life,” can go too far. Satisfying our desires needs to be be done in moderation.

The death of Cherion and Pholos is an essential prelude to the quest for the boar on the mountain. Physical strength and intelligence must be set aside when the soul seeks mastery. The personality must be able to express the soul in ways beyond physical strength and knowledge and the spiritual mountain top is where this occurs.

Applying the Libra Lesson in Everyday Life


Johfra Bosschart

If you haven’t already done so, it may be helpful to read the article “Spiritual Transformation is a Team Activity” https://soulbridging.com/spiritual-transformation-captain/. This useful article highlights how the energy of the personality shifts its expression from personality dominance to soul control.

The Libra personality must find the middle path, the place of balance and equilibrium between opposites. The Buddha refers to this as the “Noble Middle Way”. The Libran native most lives the words of Atticus Finch from To Kill A Mockingbird.  “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view, until you climb in his skin and walk around in it.” Developing this level of understanding for others, however, can make it very difficult to make decisions. It is through Libra’s spiritual ruler Uranus, that unusual and original solutions to problems become available to you. But, there must be willingness to listen to and follow the inner voice of spirit for those Uranian ideas to present.

Explore the Ancient Keynote

These ancient and profound Keynotes provide insight into the expression of the sign by the personality and the soul. Kathy Newburn explains how we can better understand their meanings.


PracticeIt is helpful to meditate on and ponder the ways that the personality uses the energy of Libra to initiate and act in the world. Consider how the spiritually mature Libra native uses the influence of the sign. Take some time to journal your answers to the following questions. This exploration will support you to deepen your awareness and integrate the highest expression of Libra and to manifest it in your everyday life.

The Voice of the Personality in Libra Says, “Let choice be made.”

The personality in Libra can be indecisive, and overly accommodating to the wishes and needs of others. They are able to clearly see both sides of an issue and this can cause them to lose themselves, especially in close relationships. To compensate the Libra native can engage in negative behaviors, such as manipulation and deceit, to ensure outcomes that are satisfactory to them.

Questions to ponder for the Libra personality:

  • Partnership is prized to the Libran. How much do you accommodate others to secure your relationships? Are you able to step outside of what is easy and comfortable to take a stand? Or, do you make no decision at all?
  • Do you like to debate? If so, is it debate/argument that energizes you, so that you always take the opposite view, or is genuinely getting to a balanced decision?
  • Do you tend to have difficulty making decisions? Why? Is it fear of making a wrong decision – analysis paralysis?
  • How necessary are social graces, good manners, and a beautiful appearance to you? What information does the presence or absence of those in others provide you?
  • Do you neglect your independence to be in relationship?

The Voice of the Soul in Libra Says: “I chose the way between the two great lines of force.”

It is in Libra that we come to terms with duality and to balance the pairs of opposites. Through this, right-relationship is achieved, which is why law and justice are Libran influences. When the soul expresses in Libra and under the influence of Uranus, the Libra native can find unique and original solutions for problems in the world.

Some questions to ponder for Soul’s Expression in Libra:

  • How can you use your skill at seeing perspectives to balance the attitudes of others?
  • Ponder on moments of deep indecision that you experience. Turn to your inner voice, what is it telling you? Can you follow that voice with confidence? What new and revolutionary ideas are offered?
  • What are your deepest convictions? Knowing them will help to prevent you from getting lost in other’s perspectives.
  • How do you work to bring those with opposing ideas or priorities together?