Recognize your soul’s love and purpose in the world ~
Life is a journey of spiritual awakening. This journey means awakening to our true self, which is our spiritual nature (the soul) and its light-bringing expression of love and wisdom. The process of the soul being able to express fully and authentically through our personality takes place over many lifetimes. Ultimately, our goal is to fully live the perfection of the soul – to become the soul as our deepest identity. This is an incremental process. As our soul nature begins to manifest more fully in the daily expression of our lives, in effect we begin to influence and affect the world around us with the soul’s light.
We can learn to understand the soul in context with the greater life. Connecting more intimately with the soul, consequently invites its expression in our outer life. We can learn the process to integrate the soul and work on its behalf. This happens in the way we live our everyday life.
Join author and international teacher, William Meader and Soul Bridging’s founder Michelle Shaw in this eight-part exploration into the nature and origins of the soul. Through their conversation, you will explore the Nature of God, love in its highest expression, the steps on the path of awakening, and techniques to support the expression of the soul in your everyday life. Each module includes a meditation to assist you with integrating the content.
The Art of Becoming the Soul will help you to recognize your soul’s love and purpose in the world.
13:32 min