Connecting through the Forum

Soul Bridging ForumThe Soul Bridging forum is here to provide a place of connection with others on the spiritual path. While the journey to live more soul-fully can sometimes seem lonely, it is helpful to know that you are not alone. Your experiences, while individual, are not unique. When we share our stories, our dreams, or how our life is impacted by spirit, a thread of connection forms. Collectively, these threads can help to better understand and move along the spiritual path.

Through our forums your can find connection with others from our Soul Bridging family so that you can share your wisdom and experience as well as learn from others.

Join other Soul Bridgers to share and explore the mystery, experiences, and discoveries along the way. Remember, the spiritual journey is not about arriving at a place or discovering a particular fundamental truth. It is about how we walk along the way. When we are open to the mystery and hold an attitude of questioning, we discover who we are at our deepest being.


The Journey of the Soul

Creating a bridge to the soul doesn’t happen overnight. Building that bridge, also known as the Antahkarana is a process that occurs over many lifetimes, with the  ultimate goal being to perfectly express the soul’s intention. The journey starts with our awakening to our soul and continues through mastering its expression. How we each move through that process is as unique and mysterious as we each are. We all encounter numberous hills and valleys along the way.

Our first step on the spiritual path typically occurs with a peak experience (or more than one, if you are lucky). This usually offers powerful feelings of connection and well-being, and a significant increase in the capacity to love and serve. But, as you begin the real work of the soul things can begin to shift, especially for the personality. It is common to feel alone, misunderstood, or like you just don’t ‘fit in’ any more. These feelings may be even more pronounced after the real work of the personality begins.

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