
image credit Clifton John Galasinao

Creating an Altar or Sacred Space

Creating and maintaining an altar can be a simple and effective way of shifting our focus from an outer world of doing to an inner world of being. An altar is any surface or area dedicated as sacred space that provides for a focus of spiritual intention.  An altar doesn’t need to be fancy or ornate. Simplicity can actually help you to create focused intention.

Our intention for Soul Bridging is to create a place of rest, replenishment, delight, and discovery – in that way Soul Bridging itself could be considered an altar for Michelle and I. We carefully choose what contributes to it, in order that it holds the highest vibration possible.  Through the energy of our intention we support connection, both for you internally through your personal work, but also through connection to wonderful and ordinary people doing soul work in the world.

Michelle and I want to share our personal altars with you in hopes that you will do the same.  Let’s start a conversation about how we create sacred space in our everyday lives!

Michelle’s Altar

I have several altars in my home. Each of them hold sacred space that always reminds and calls me to remember who I am, and who I am called to be.

The altar in my creative workspace has a cloth from my Grandmother which represents all my ancestors. Placed on the cloth are two clay pieces; one,  a woman representing the Divine Feminine and the other, a hand representing the Divine Masculine. Between them is a small basket that holds small gemstones that I use to offer prayers and intentions. I am committed to uniting these two energies within me.

Behind the cloth is a braid of sweet grass.   Said to be the hair of Mother Earth, it is made of three braided strands representing love, kindness, and honesty, known by some as walking the Beauty Way. With the sweet grass is a sage stick.  Sage medicine purifies and dispels negative energy. Quan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion, is to the left and she holds the door of compassion open always for me. On the right is a horse , a very important energy in my life – my journey with the horse invites me deeper into self discovery  around true power, presence, friendship, and an indescribable love.  Above my altar space I have placed my drum. It represents a renewed connection to rhythm and relationship that transports me in to greater connection to all that is.

My candles represent Spirit and serve as a reminder of my eternal connection to the light, as well as my commitment to  continue to transform my darkness and bring the light to those places.

May you be inspired to create your own altar.
With love, depth, and beauty;



Therese’s Altar

My altar space is a very simple table in my workspace at home.  A statue of Quan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Compassion, is seated on a violet silk cloth with a candle behind her. Violet is the energy of bringing heaven to earth, and the candle is symbolic for bringing light into the world. Quan Yin carries the divine feminine (Sophia) energy of wisdom and loving kindness.  I chose her to be the centerpiece of my alter to support me in being kind.  I have a quick nature and this can be experienced by others as abruptness and impatience.  Quan Yin’s presence serves as a reminder for me that I must always work through compassion and kindness to bring light into the world. Beneath the silk cloth and the alter are crystals that I sometimes use during meditation.

Next to the alter is my meditation space and burning bowl. During times of anxiety or stress, I will write my worries, fears, or unfulfilled hopes on a small piece of paper and place it in the bowl.  When I am ready to let it go, I take the bowl outside and release them with fire.

We hope you will share your altar story. Sacred practices inspire others and your story may inspire someone else to make room for the sacred in their lives.

Love, light, and blessings;


Create Your Own Altar

498825_mA personal altar can be very easy to create.  Choose a quiet space – a table, shelf, room, or even an area in nature will do.  As you establish your altar space, it is important to set an intention that the space will be used to hold the energy of the divine. Light a candle, or burn incense to sanctify the energy of the space.  As you select objects for your altar, choose meaningful items that  represent, for you,  your focused intention.  They will serve as a regular reminder of what you are attempting to accent in your life. You may choose to cover your altar with a cloth, select a color or texture to the cloth that is symbolic or representative of intention. As you place the objects on your alter, focus your intention and infuse them with the power of your thoughts.  Don’t be afraid to change your altar items over time.  When new changes and challenges present, bring them to the altar for focused intention and inspiration.

Have the Full Moon Ceremony and Guided Meditation sent to you each month. All full moons seem to be opportune times to look into the darkness, the hidden shadow aspect of ourselves and the collective.  This full moon, which occurs on March 9th at 10:48 am (PST), highlights Virgo and Pisces. It is also a super moon which means it will be particularly close to the earth, giving extra energy to our emotional bodies. The moon in Virgo opposite the sun in Pisces illuminates the polarities of logic and intuition, of purification and forgiveness, of insight and empathy. We are asked to be visionaries that have the ability to manifest our visions into the world. To become the practical mystic, to think big and take the small, practical steps necessary to create something concrete. Some good questions to ask ourselves this month are: What can we let go of or simplify so we have more time to connect deeply to our Soul? What needs to be purified within ourselves so there are no obstacles to union with our Soul? The Pisces mantram is, “I leave the Father’s house and turning back, [...]

Celebrating International Women's Day

This free evening talk will provide an introduction to the two-day workshop that will follow on Sunday and Monday. Alchemy: Transformation of Death into life, the rising of the gold beneath the heavenly sky. Investigate the path of the mystic, moving on what is called active imagination, to shift our consciousness on an inward journey of discovery. Join us to explore the questions that bring you to the centre of your being. Who are we really? We carry so many labels and we see ourselves in so many different roles. Yet time washes away many of these. What remains? How do we source the voice that informs us beyond the flight of change?

Alchemy: Transformation of Death into life, the rising of the gold beneath the heavenly sky. Who are we really? We carry so many labels and we see ourselves in so many different roles. Yet time washes away many of these. What remains and how do we source the voice that informs us beyond the flight of change? Over these two days, we step away from the chaos of the world as we turn our sight inwardly, looking past all that changes to that which is outside the ravages of time: our alchemical nature. ​Investigate the path of the mystic, moving on what is called active imagination, to shift our consciousness on an inward journey of discovery. The journey shall be accompanied by our tending the alchemical feast of our groaning table, sharing in the preparation, presentation, and ritual of the sacred meal, the alchemical feast recognizing the transformation of the sacrifice of the earthly gifts to the temple of our bodily form. Dr. Janet shall share her culinary skills in this.

A Post Workshop Excursion With Dr. Janet Piedilato Program Cost: $110 Tuesday, July 21 Indigo Bookstore West Hills 5570 Signal Hill Centre SW Calgary, AB T3H 3H6 A  day of connection to the sacred land of the Rockies. Cost is $110.00 Method of payment for everything; pay at the door cash, or possibly visa​ Learn More About Dr. Janet Piedilato Email Shirley Vanaelst To Register

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