The Labors of Hercules

The Journey of the Soul through the Astrological Signs

Bust of Hercules

Listen to the Introduction

Join author, astrologer, and teacher, Kathy Newburn in a rich and meaningful exploration of the evolution of the Soul through the astrological signs.

The Cave of Hercules

The Labors of Hercules provides us with beautiful insight into the multi-incarnational journey of the awakened soul through the astrological signs. As we deepen our understanding of the rich and profound symbolism provided in each myth, we better understand how each labor provides us with insight into the task. Through each task we can understand our nature and the movement toward liberation of the soul.

The Spiritual Challenge of Aries

The Capture of the Man-Eating Mares

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Listen to the Myth

The Capture of the Man-Eating Mares

The first Herculean labor marks the first step upon the “path of translation’.  In Aries we begin to re-orient our consciousness. We begin to shift from living purely a form life to that of a life of consciousness and spiritual being.

Aries carries an urge for new beginning, creation, and resurrection. In Aries we can be focused on living purely in form, expressing an energy of life around ‘Let form be sought’. The higher calling for those on the spiritual path  ‘I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule.” The higher Aries begins striving toward freedom from form.

The energies of the sign of Aries is strong. Aries is not afraid of challenge or the battle. Hercules, as the representative of the soul, begins his journey through the astrological with a bold fearlessness that is typical of Aries. The mares represent the destructive power of an undisciplined and wild mind. Abderis symbolizes the personality nature.

The Spiritual Challenge of Taurus

The Capture of the Cretan Bull

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Listen to the Myth

The Capture of the Cretan Bull

The second Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Gemini

The Golden Apples of the Hesperides

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Listen to the Myth

The Golden Apples of Hesperides

The Gemini Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Cancer

The Capture of the Doe or Hind

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Listen to the Myth

The Capture of the Doe or Hind

The Cancer Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Leo

The Slaying of the Nemean Lion

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Listen to the Myth

The Slaying of the Nemean Lion

The Leo Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Virgo

Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte

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Listen to the Myth

Seizing the Girdle of Hippolyte

The Virgo Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Libra

The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar

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Listen to the Myth

The Capture of the Erymanthian Boar

The Libra Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Scorpio

Destroying the Lernaean Hydra

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Listen to the Myth

Destroying the Leraean Hydra

The Scorpio Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Sagittarius

Killing the Stymphalian Birds

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Listen to the Myth

Killing the Stymphalian Birds

The Sagittarius Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Capricorn

The Slaying of Cerberus, Guardian of Hades

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Listen to the Myth

The Slaying of Cerberus, the Guardian of Haydes

The Capricorn Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Aquarius

Cleansing the Augean Stables

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Listen to the Myth

Cleansing the Augean Stables

The Aquarius Herculean labor

The Spiritual Challenge of Pisces

The Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon

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Listen to the Myth

The Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon

The Pisces Herculean labor

Kathy Newburn

Kathy Newburn worked for many years at Lucis Trust, the Seven Ray Institute and independently bringing the fundamentals of the Ageless Wisdom teachings to wider public recognition. In 2013 Kathy returned to work at Lucis Trust. Kathy is also a practicing astrologer working with the seven rays to facilitate growth and deepened understanding and integration with the soul. Kathy is the author of “A Planetary Awakening: Reflections on the Wirings of the Tibetan in the books of Alice A. Bailey”. Kathy lives in New York.

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