Astrology for the Soul: Aquarius

Author: Therese RossignolComplexity: Standard


The soul in Aquarius works to bring insights to others, serve, and elevate the masses, and so improve society as a whole. In Aquarius he brings reform to the world and revolutionizes the structures of human thought.

Astrology for the Soul: The Eleventh House

Author: Therese Rossignol

The eleventh house is the house of friendships, group activities, and social organizations. We want to find others to participate in our interests and creativity. Here we want to creatively work with others. Societies, fraternities or sororities, political groups and teams are influences by the eleventh house.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Aquarius

Author: Karen Johannsen

Our Invitation this month is to harness the energy of Leo, with its opposite sign of Aquarius to align us with the essence of Love that we all are. With the mental focus of Aquarius and the heart focus of Leo we can pour forth our gifts into the world in an intelligent way. 

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Aquarius

Author: Therese Rossignol


As the soul evolves through the signs, it is evident that Hercules is increasingly successful in expressing his divine nature. His labors have an increasingly positive group impact. In This Labor, Cleaning the Augean Stables, he assumes the responsibility for clearing out the collective pollution and corruption that has been left unattended for years by King Augeas's horses.