Astrology for the Soul: Capricorn

Author: Therese RossignolComplexity: Standard

Capricorn constellation

The soul in Capricorn has experienced oneness and no longer needs to climb the mountain to attain the vision. Instead, the mountain’s vantage point is attained within. In Capricorn the fullness of her divinity is revealed to her. She uses her innate authority on purpose to manifest the knowledge of the unity of all life. Spiritual initiations are governed by Capricorn.

Astrology for the Soul: The Tenth House

Author: Therese Rossignol

The tenth house holds clues to how life bears fruit through the career. Your profession, power, and the authority you hold through your work are better understood through this house.  Social prestige, position, and goals are also tenth house matters. We want to accomplish something in the tenth house.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Capricorn

Author: Karen Johannsen

The invitation today is to move forward on our path with courage. This means that we must let go of everything that does not serve us. We can call on the discipline, the commitment, the steadfastness of Capricorn to help us navigate the path to the top of the mountain.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Capricorn

Author: Therese Rossignol

Cerberus, the Hound of Hades

In this Labor, The Slaying of Cerberus, the Guardian of Hades, Hercules faces his most dangerous task. He must descend into the underworld, cross the river Styx, and capture the Hound of Hades, Cerberus. No human had ever returned from Hades, so Hercules visits the holy place of Eleusis where he is taught the mysteries of the underworld and how to travel there and back safely. Through this Labor, he demonstrates mastery over his personality through his ability to navigate successfully in the world of light and darkness.