Creating Full Moon Ceremony – Introduction

Author: Karen Johannsen

This recording will introduce you to Full Moon Ceremony and provide a template for learning and creating your own Full Moon Ceremony. Each month as the sun enters a different constellation we are exposed to the energies of that constellation.  As the sun and moon move toward the moment of the full moon the energies become more potent. These powerful energies can be enhanced, through ceremony and meditation, so that we achieve maximal benefit and transformation.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Aries

Author: Karen JohannsenComplexity: Easy

The invitation this month is to balance the disparate energies of Aries and Libra. We will focus on  how do we blend the strong, assertive, and independent Aries energy with the Libran energies of relationship, harmony and balance?

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Cancer

Author: Karen Johannsen

The different expressions of the energy of the sign by the personality and soul is explored. These energies impact us at different levels depending on where we are on our spiritual - evolutionary journey.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Leo

Author: Karen Johannsen

In Leo we must learn to bring the light of the sun into our hearts and radiate it out to the world as love, light, warmth, and compassion.  Aquarius is the energy that distributes that love. 

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Virgo

Author: Karen Johannsen

When our vibration is raised to the level of the Soul we see how these qualities can be used for a higher purpose. This month we used the Pisces energy to create a vision and Virgo’s logical reasoning mind to implement and manifest that vision.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Libra

Author: Karen Johannsen

With this Ceremony we focus on this as a time of gathering and preserving, after the efforts of planting and harvesting. The cycle of manifestation is ending, and we begin our descent toward the inner world of Spirit.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Sagittarius

Author: Karen Johannsen

The invitation for the meditation in Sagittarius this month is to focus on learning stillness and managing the energy of fire and air. When used effectively, this same energy can be a spark for expanding consciousness.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Capricorn

Author: Karen Johannsen

The invitation today is to move forward on our path with courage. This means that we must let go of everything that does not serve us. We can call on the discipline, the commitment, the steadfastness of Capricorn to help us navigate the path to the top of the mountain.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Aquarius

Author: Karen Johannsen

Our Invitation this month is to harness the energy of Leo, with its opposite sign of Aquarius to align us with the essence of Love that we all are. With the mental focus of Aquarius and the heart focus of Leo we can pour forth our gifts into the world in an intelligent way.