Exploring the Second Ray through the Vehicles

Author: Therese Rossignol

I am inclusive and loving. As a great magnet force, I attract the fragments and disparate parts and bring them together in relationship.Through wisdom and connection I find meaning and express love. Wherever love is needed, I, too will be found, teaching, guiding and healing. Concerned for the welfare of others, I strive to support them in their unfolding. Through loving wisdom, warmth, and compassion the Second Ray brings unity and illumination to others on the spiritual path.

Exploring the First Ray through the Vehicles

Author: Therese Rossignol

I build and destroy with power and purpose. I am the force of creation emerging through the seed bursting forth into life. Yet, I am also the destructive force of a nuclear explosion. I am a leader. I am naturally powerful, enduring, and transformational. When the First Ray aligns and operates through my soul and personality, I will liberate and strengthen others. Through this I lead.

Exploring the Third Ray through the Vehicles

Author: Therese Rossignol

I am intelligence, the manipulator, the designer of forms. I infuse sacred intelligence into all that is created to ensure that the world of matter has plan, connection, flexibility, and intelligence. I am adaptable, resourceful, energetic, and flexible. When the Third Ray aligns and operates through my soul and personality, I will manifest creation to provide and support for all that lives, breathes, and exists in the One Life.  Through my intelligence form manifests.

Exploring the Fourth Ray through the Vehicles

Author: Therese Rossignol

I bring divine harmony out of conflict and chaos to all aspects of life. I hold the center and express the beautiful and agonizing battle that plays out throughout creation. I mix, blend, and harmonize. Through music, art, language, indeed all forms of creative expression, I find beauty and harmony. When the Fourth Ray aligns and operates through my soul and personality, I manifest the multiplicity of the One Life. Through this I become beauty itself.