Labors of Hercules – The Course


Author: Therese Rossignol

Labors of Hercules

The Labors of Hercules Explore the Journey of the Awakened Soul through the Astrological Signs! Hercules, like us, was both divine and human and His tasks, the Twelve Labors, are our spiritual endeavors. Exploring and understanding the myths unfolds the psychological and spiritual endeavor the soul strives to accomplish in each zodiacal sign.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Aries

Author: Therese Rossignol

The Man-Eating Mares

In this labor, Hercules rushes forward to capture the mares. His impulsive, enthusiastic, and headlong dive into action helps us to understand how the Aries influenced personality acts. It is an active, bold, and energetic sign, and for Hercules, there is no fear of challenge or the battle. Hercules acts here as the representative of the soul and begins this journey with a bold fearlessness that is typical of Aries.

The Labors of Hercules – Introduction


Author: Therese Rossignol

Labors of Hercules

The Labors of Hercules Explore the Journey of the Awakened Soul through the Astrological Signs! Hercules, like us, was both divine and human and His tasks, the Twelve Labors, are our spiritual endeavors. Exploring and understanding the myths unfolds the psychological and spiritual endeavor the soul strives to accomplish in each zodiacal sign.