Creating Full Moon Ceremony – Introduction

Author: Karen Johannsen

This recording will introduce you to Full Moon Ceremony and provide a template for learning and creating your own Full Moon Ceremony. Each month as the sun enters a different constellation we are exposed to the energies of that constellation.  As the sun and moon move toward the moment of the full moon the energies become more potent. These powerful energies can be enhanced, through ceremony and meditation, so that we achieve maximal benefit and transformation.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony – Resources

Author: Karen Johannsen

This recording will introduce you to Full Moon Ceremony and provide a template for learning and creating your own Full Moon Ceremony. Each month as the sun enters a different constellation we are exposed to the energies of that constellation.  As the sun and moon move toward the moment of the full moon the energies become more potent. These powerful energies can be enhanced, through ceremony and meditation, so that we achieve maximal benefit and transformation.

Labors of Hercules – The Course


Author: Therese Rossignol

Labors of Hercules

The Labors of Hercules Explore the Journey of the Awakened Soul through the Astrological Signs! Hercules, like us, was both divine and human and His tasks, the Twelve Labors, are our spiritual endeavors. Exploring and understanding the myths unfolds the psychological and spiritual endeavor the soul strives to accomplish in each zodiacal sign.

The Labors of Hercules – Introduction


Author: Therese Rossignol

Labors of Hercules

The Labors of Hercules Explore the Journey of the Awakened Soul through the Astrological Signs! Hercules, like us, was both divine and human and His tasks, the Twelve Labors, are our spiritual endeavors. Exploring and understanding the myths unfolds the psychological and spiritual endeavor the soul strives to accomplish in each zodiacal sign.