Astrology for the Soul: Mars

Author: Therese Rossignol

Mars has always been the "Light of the Aggressor", expressing strong energies of passion, aggression, and opposition. The God of War, it can also trigger conflict, confrontation, and battle. Mars likes a revolution. As Venus brings us energy of love and connection, Mars can manifest through aggression and destruction that drives separation and division.

Astrology for the Soul: Mercury

Author: Therese Rossignol

Mercury, the "Messenger of the Gods", governs the energy of communication, teaching, and rational thought. It is a strong Ray 4 planet that rules Gemini and Virgo on the personality level, but Aries on the spiritual level. Pure reason manifests through the intellect. The influence of Mercury on the soul life is to move beyond the intellect to intuition.

Astrology for the Soul: Earth

Author: Therese Rossignol

Earth is often overlooked in Astrology. Yet, it is the very place of our spiritual path and where our experience in form occurs. The Earth is the source of our prosperity and abundance and also where the drama of our personality transformation occurs.

Astrology for the Soul: Venus

Author: Therese Rossignol

Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and pleasure. Venus helps us to understand what we consider beautiful, and the kind of people that we want to be in relationship with. It is concerned with perfection of form as well as issues around justice and law.

Astrology of the Soul: Jupiter

Author: Therese Rossignol

Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. So, rightfully, it is associated with abundance, fullness, and, well...largeness. It is the planet of luck, happiness, and joy. Do you know someone who always brings joy, optimism, and fun to those around them? Chances are they have a strong Jupiterian influence

Astrology for the Soul: Saturn

Author: Therese Rossignol

Saturn is associated with order, structure, and form. Its energy wants to protect boundaries and walls. It seeks truth, responsibility, and rules. Saturn is known as the timekeeper, and a taskmaster who demands accountability. This is why he is understood to be the Lord of Karma. It is a planet of problems, yes. But this is where resolving them (or not) forms our destiny.

Astrology for the Soul: Uranus

Author: Therese Rossignol

Uranus is the first of the generational and transpersonal planets. From the soul perspective, when we begin to work with the higher energy of Uranus, it is because we have done the transformational personality work required by Saturn (remember he is the 'Guardian at that Gate').

Astrology for the Soul: Neptune

Author: Therese Rossignol

The personality experiences the lower vibratory energy of Neptune as addict, escapist, victim or martyr. Those with strong Neptunian influence can have identity difficulties, or seek escapist activities including substance abuse.

Astrology for the Soul: Pluto

Author: Therese Rossignol

Pluto is the planet of transformation, it wants to strengthen us. But, we must do this through the transformation of our shadow. It wants to turn over our emotional rocks so that the light can expose and transform what we have kept hidden (from ourselves and others). When we refuse to face our own darkness...

Astrology for the Soul: Vulcan

Author: Therese Rossignol

It is the strong First Ray energy of Vulcan that refines and purifies resulting in our transformation. We learn persistence, stability, and endurance through this energy. Vulcan molds and transforms, but through the application of heat, pressure, and force.