What are Spiritual Awakening Signs and Symptoms?

Searching for answers about the soul is an essential step on the path of spiritual awakening. This search is valuable because developing understanding and insight into the process supports our transformation. Today, to promote your awakening consciousness we invite you to to our first episode of Soul Sessions.

Spiritual Awakening Inspiration Quote from Thich Nahat HanhWhile the experience is individual, the process is similar for everyone who awakens to their higher self, or their soul. Being aware of the signs of awakening helps us to understand that we are not alone on spiritual the journey. Awakening doesn’t have to be something that happens to us, and there is much that we can do to help with the process.

In episode 1, we dive into the awakening process, starting with the Casual Body, sometimes called the Jewel in the Lotus. We explore how consciousness evolves over many lifetimes and that the process of awakening is an indication of successful personality work. As we evolve, our the personality achieves a degree of coordination so the Soul can begin to work through it. Then, we meet the Imposter and experience what spiritual awakening is not. Finally, we discuss the signs and symptoms common to spiritual awakening and focus on self-care and the gifts we experience as we open the heart center.

Listen to the conversation and how we arrive at the place of awakening, and the signs and symptoms common to the awakening experience.

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About the Episode

Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening
Soul and Personality
Self Care
Evolution of Consciousness

Join us as we explore spiritual awakening – what it is and what it isn’t. Learn how we arrive at the place of awakening, and the signs and symptoms common to the awakening experience.

Helpful Resources:

Spiritual Awakening Signs and Symptoms
View the Presentation

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