The Seven Soul Types

What’s Your Soul Type?

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A foundational principle in the Ageless Wisdom is that all of creation is based on the interaction of seven great streams of energy. These rays are the most fundamental qualities within all of cosmos. The energies of these rays create seven distinct soul types.

  1. The Warrior – Ray of Will and Power

Known for persistence, warriors make natural leaders. Like Nelson Mandela, you become a source of strength and dependability to others as you are trustworthy. Although Warriors can be cold and ruthless, they have softer side too. Courageous ambition like yours is strong enough to break through bonds of conformity. Although, the Warrior Soul type is more constructive than destructive. This Soul type is all about the free expression of life force.

  1. The Nurturer – Ray of Divine Love and Wisdom

Nurturers are warm, wise and magnetic. Your considerate nature helps you identify with others and gives you a strong sense of empathy. This Soul type is particularly suited for healing and teaching like the guru-esque Buddha or the compassionate teacher of Helen Keller, Anne Sullivan. You have the ability to find understanding through the power of pure, heart-felt love. The Nurturer’s Soul type is also wise site in the ways of acquiring material wealth. Let go of neediness and sensitivity so you may step into your generous and caring nature.

  1. The Strategist – Ray of Active Intelligence

The strategist is both creative and intelligent when it comes to maintaining peace and achieving ambitions. Strategists are inclined to planning, but change when change is needed. Actively applying intelligence, your resourcefulness is valued in group settings. Helping to plan large events and organize activities is a task at which you excel. You have a sincere nature and find that which is theoretical in nature interesting. The Strategist Soul type is also discriminating and enterprising.

  1. The Mediator – Ray of Harmony Through Conflict

Mediators, such as the previous United Nations leader, Kofi Annan, are known for the ability to see both sides of an issue. When faced with conflict, you excel at bringing about harmonious interaction. Resolving conflict allows beauty to result. Like an artist creating a work of art, you use creative force for the higher good. Occasionally struck with indecisiveness, Mediators feel confident taking the group’s thoughts into consideration when making tough decision. Although sensitive, this Soul type also has a good sense of humor.

  1. The Engineer – Ray of Concrete Science

The Engineer possesses the power to define and research. This soul type favors the verification of factual knowledge insisting upon truth, accuracy, and documentation. Although, not necessarily active in the sciences, Engineers are often involved in activities requiring technically-applied intelligence. You have a commonsense approach, and value most those facts which are immediately applicable.

  1. The Devotee – Ray of Devotion and Idealism

Fiery zeal keeps this Soul type constantly striving towards a very specific ideal. The goal may be material benefit, unrestrained freedom, or saving the suffering. Whatever the cause, you’re likely devoted and focused. Beneficial influences flow your way as a result of your loyalty. Often part of a group, you manifest that which is needed. Your sentimental nature creates strong bonds and relationships in life.

  1. The Humanitarian – Ray of Ceremonial Order

The Humanitarian is a highly organized individual working for the greater good. This Soul type is very conscious of laws and regulations, and attempts to perform according to expectations. As a rule follower, it’s no surprise that Humanitarian approach activities ritualistically and ceremonially. However, this Soul type is also deeply involved in the transformational process. A skilled leader like you can creatively implement new principles of organization to maintain the established order. Your organized life allows you to excel at achieving ambitions. Naši partnerji so in, ki nudita odlične možnosti za igranje spletnih igralnic v Sloveniji.

Introduction to Rayology

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