Seed Thought Meditation2017-11-27T01:40:55+00:00
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Seed Thought Meditation

The use of focused intention during meditation is an invaluable tool to foster soul connection. Seed thought meditation supports the mind and personality to capture, or ‘seed’, inspiration from the soul or intuitive plane. During seed thought meditation, a specific word or thought is used to facilitate alignment between our lower (personality) self and our higher (soul) self.

As we begin to quiet our minds and still the busy, chaotic, and energetic mind, alignment with the higher mind, which is intuitive and abstract in its processing, occurs. This processes opens a communication channel to the soul, called in Eastern traditions the Antahkarana.

As we hold alignment in the quiet space between thoughts, and use reflective meditation (where the use of a seed thought comes in) we open to insight from the soul or spirit. We can also ask for help or make a direct request during seed thought meditation. This is understood as invocation.

It can be understood that the Seed Thought meditative process has the following general steps:

  • Relaxation: This requires calming of the physical body, the emotions, and the busy mind. We often use the breath cycle to assist us in this step.
  • Alignment/Concentration: When the body, emotions, and the lower mind are settled, we can begin to find and hold a quiet place of concentration. It is sometimes helpful to identify this as the ‘place between thoughts’ or ‘no thought’.
  • Intention: Once you able to hold a space of ‘no thought’ for a few seconds, add your ‘seed thought’, or direct request for aid. Be intentional. The more specific you are, the more likely you are to invoke a response from the soul. It may help to focus your attention on your Ajna Center or Third Eye while setting your intention.
  • Reception: Return to Alignment/Concentration. The response from the soul can occur during the meditative process, but most often it occurs after meditation is complete.

Notice What You Notice: The response from the soul to Seed Thought meditation can present in many ways. It might be an object we notice, a clear thought, something that someone says or writes that seems directed specifically to your meditative request. Just notice what you notice and allow the pearls from the soul to speak to you.

The article Meditation with Seed: Heir to the Mystical Way, by William Meader provides excellent information on Seed Thought meditation.

Read the Article Now

We recommend these Seed Thought Meditations to help you improve your practice.

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