Want To Run Away?

By |2019-11-06T20:51:30+00:00November 6th, 2019|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

I showed up to this gathering feeling fantastic – and the last thing I wanted was to start feeling sad as the people around me were expressing their grief. No – no – no – I definitely didn’t want to go there. I started looking longingly at the door. Was there any way I could slip away – without being noticed – and just go on my merry way? No chance.

A Gift of Darkness – Winter Solstice 2018

By |2019-02-16T01:32:31+00:00December 22nd, 2018|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

The Winter Solstice marks the long darkness of winter, which provides us with opportunities for solitude, quiet, and self-reflection. We benefit enormously by using this time to reflect on what the year has brought us. This year’s Winter Solstice is particularly powerful because Saturn, which in its home sign of Capricorn, is providing energetic emphasis for honesty, truth, and resolving problems.

The Gemini Full Moon – Shadow, Dreams, and Our Inner Voice

By |2019-11-11T19:04:03+00:00May 28th, 2018|Full Moon Meditation|

Welcome friends to the full moon, that we are celebrating in the sign of Gemini.  The moon is in a grand trine with Chiron and the North Node. This placement invites us to trust our inner voice and not be silent. We are asked to share our wisdom and truth with honesty, love and authenticity. The planet Jupiter is retrograde in the sign of Scorpio which means we might be facing some challenges from our inner demons, sometimes called our shadow.

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