The Journey of Awakening

By |2019-02-16T01:43:20+00:00March 8th, 2018|Inspiration, Soul Bridging|

Journeys into the unknown and rites of passage, understood as initiation, have been a part of most cultures. These are no longer an integral aspect of our modern lifestyle. We are more likely to dis-associate from our emotions and rites and initiations. As a result, we lose connection with the emotional aspect of our lives. This numbing or deadening is remedied when emotional eruption occurs and we give our attention to that something is not in balance.

Life Hacks for Weathering the Journey of Transformation

By |2019-02-16T01:44:05+00:00February 2nd, 2018|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

Despite my well-honed problem solving skills, I’ve discovered a whole slew of problems that aren’t really meant to be solved. Instead they seem to be journeys that must be traveled. Often these are journeys of pain and loss. Thankfully there are a few life hacks that seem to lessen the suffering and speed up the process of transformation.

A Lunar Trilogy – An Opportunity for Transformation

By |2018-01-30T02:41:30+00:00January 29th, 2018|Astrology|

Wednesday, January 31 presents us with a lunar event that hasn’t happened for 150 years.The full moon occurs at 5:27 am PST and is unique. From a soul perspective, the energy of this trilogy full moon presents us with the energy for individual and collective transformation. So, get out your journal.  Meditate, say a prayer, light incense, or dance in the dark around a lit fire. Whatever your ceremony for centering and bringing the deepest part of you to the surface, this is a time when it can be transformed. Celebrate your deepest truth and let it burst into the light. It will surely lead to rich and lasting transformation

“I Don’t Want to Feel That” – Transforming Discomfort Into Ease

By |2019-02-16T01:44:19+00:00December 26th, 2017|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

We hear all the time that aging comes with increasing discomfort. But is it possible that it could be just the opposite? What if, as we age, we get increasingly skilled at transforming discomfort into ease? What if each year brings more ease and contentment?

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