~ This scholarship is now closed. ~

We are pleased to go beyond our initial offering and award 64 applicants with the scholarship!

Labors of Hercules

At Soul Bridging, our vision is that all individuals become facilitators of their own awakening consciousness. It’s with this in mind that we are offering a scholarship for our latest online course, The Labors of Hercules. We are delighted to be able to provide a full scholarship to up to 50 Soul Bridgers.

About the Course

Through this online, self-paced course, explore the twelve Labors of Hercules and how they tell the story of the soul’s purpose in each of the zodiac signs.

Hercules, both human and divine, is the story of us as spiritual humans. Through his labors, the purpose of the soul in each astrological sign is unfolded. When we understand the use of the energy of each zodiac sign on the part of the soul, we can better align ourselves with its purpose to support our spiritual evolution.

This program consists of 12 modules. Each module consists of one of the 12 Labors of Hercules that provide you with important and long-lasting insights into what it means to be human. Each story correlates with one of the 12 astrological signs in the Zodiac, so through each story in Hercules’ life, you gain understanding about each astrological sign. These stories are essentially a representation of the strengths, weaknesses, trials, and successes each person may encounter in their lifetime depending on which astrological sign is most present for you.

Preview the entire course outline here.

Scholarship recipients are asked, but not required, to:

  • Commit to taking the course and providing honest feedback in the form of a review on our website*
  • Allow us to use quotes or insight from your scholarship application in our marketing (note – this is not a condition for receiving a scholarship)

*in the spirit of transparency, reviews must indicate you are a scholarship recipient

~ Now Closed ~

Scholarship Application