Astrology for the Soul: Virgo

Author: Therese RossignolComplexity: Standard


The soul in Virgo reveals a hidden glory and spiritual reality of the soul. She has found that consciousness and soul are all around her and that mystery lies in all matter. The self-centeredness of Leo gives way here to humility. The soul in Virgo wants to get the form right, and she learns patience, care for detail, and a devotion to whatever is the object of her focus. When full, the moon is almost a perfect reflection of the light of the Sun. The Moon’s rulership in Virgo invites the soul to give fully and freely, to serve totally and humbly, and thus we are emptied of ego, to be filled by a greater light. As a result, the matter of our own body, emotions, and mind will be purified and thus the virgin can give birth to the Sun Self, the consciousness and the light within

Astrology for the Soul: The Sixth House

Author: Therese Rossignol

The sixth house holds the clues to health, work, and everyday life. This is a service house and encompasses the service you give and receive from others. Here we can see how the resources of the second house are used in support of creative efforts.

Creating Full Moon Ceremony: Virgo

Author: Karen Johannsen

When our vibration is raised to the level of the Soul we see how these qualities can be used for a higher purpose. This month we used the Pisces energy to create a vision and Virgo’s logical reasoning mind to implement and manifest that vision.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Virgo

Author: Therese Rossignol


Hercules and his encounter with the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyte, brings us for the first time to the first real step into the spiritual realm. In Virgo, there is attention to order, organization, and purification of form. The divine feminine is the source of all manifested matter. When we balance the impulse of creation of the masculine with the feminine power to create, then the true expression of spirit can manifest.