Soul Principles – The Spirit of Goodwill

By |2019-03-27T21:26:38+00:00June 6th, 2017|Blog, Soul Bridging|

Goodwill is humanity's first attempt to express the love of God, for goodwill is the lowest expression of true love and the one most easily understood. It is time that people should, temporarily at least, stop talking about love, about loving their fellowmen, and about the use of love in solving problems, and talk instead upon a lower and more practical level-that of goodwill.

Taurus Full Moon – Festival of the Buddha

By |2019-05-10T00:54:34+00:00May 9th, 2017|Full Moon Meditation|

This full moon, the Wesak, is the second of Three Spring Festivals. Called the Festival of the Buddha, this is partially because, we are told, that the Buddha was born, reached enlightenment and died, all under the sign of Taurus. But, it is also called the Festival of the Buddha because it is during this full moon when the Buddhic energy of illumination and light most forcefully comes to earth.

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