The Festival of the Buddha

This full moon, the Wesak, is the second of Three Spring Festivals. Called the Festival of the Buddha, this is partially because, we are told, that the Buddha was born, reached enlightenment and died, all under the sign of Taurus. But, it is also called the Festival of the Buddha because it is during this full moon when the Buddhic energy of illumination and light most forcefully comes to earth.

Blending Spiritual Energies of East and West

“At this event cosmic blessings are released upon the Earth through the Buddha and his brother, the Christ. This ceremony takes place in the Wesak Valley, in Tibet. Pilgrims from all over the world travel to this valley to participate in this sacred celebration. Some travel in their dream state and others seem to tune into the event while meditating. It is said, in the ancient teachings, that the Christ, as the head of the Hierarchy, is there as the representative of humanity. He holds within himself the aspirations of all humankind, those yearnings and longings that we all have within us.

The Buddha appears from the cosmic realms carrying those spiritual energies that are available in the higher dimensions. He is the expression of the wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and the indicator of Divine Purpose. He transmits these energies to the Christ where they are blended with the energies of unconditional love that the Christ holds. The Christ then turns and pours forth to all the world servers the beneficent blessings of love and wisdom. Through these two representatives of Deity the world of spiritual realities and the world of human affairs can be brought very close together.

A World Blessing

The Wesak Festival is connected with an ancient legend which may be to some a mythical story, to others a symbolic narrative, and to quite a large number, a state of present fact. The story is connected with the Buddha, and with a happening in His life which left Him in the position wherein (following the dictates of his heart) He determined to return once a year from the high place in which He dwells and works, to bless the world. The two great Sons of God, the Buddha and the Christ, are one the custodian and the other the recipient of this blessing. Both of them hold it in trust for transmission to a needy world, and both of them act as transmitter of this spiritual energy to humanity.”

Full Moon Magic, Karen Johannsen, p. 29

Full Moon in Taurus
The Wesak Festival

Full Moon in Taurus – The Wesak Festival

Taurus Full Moon Meditation

Our meditation today will take us to the Wesak Valley, deep in the Himalayan Mountains, to witness and participate in this beautiful ceremony between the Buddha and the Christ.

Let us take just a few moments to remove all distractions from our physical space and seat ourselves comfortably, sitting quietly and breathing gently and rhythmically. Now breathe a silent OM into your physical, mental and emotional bodies.

Notice how it feels to have these three bodies quiet, still, quiescent and aligned. The spiritual realms are very close to us on this powerful day. Let those Great Beings know that you are open and receptive to their impressions.

In your mind’s eye imagine a portal, a doorway opening to the spiritual realms and see these energies pouring through that portal into your body, through the crown chakra. You are literally breathing into your body the Taurian energies of illumination, and aspiration.

Ask that the light of Taurus, and the wisdom of the Buddha illuminate your being. Now, imagine that these same forces of illumined energy are streaming forth through pathways of light into all the hearts and minds of humanity, infusing them with the goodwill needed to create loving and harmonious human relationships and a climate for positive social change. (pause)

“May the love of the divine Self be shed abroad

In our hearts, through our groups, and throughout the world.”

Now breathing that light back into your body, let us travel , as illumined beings to the Wesak Valley.