Through intention we transform thoughts, moments, and our lives into their highest expression. Invite the soul to participate in the everyday through the power of intention and change the world – one thought at a time. Our Inspirations are designed to help!

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  • Public Schools Catching on to the Power of Meditation
    February 24, 2016
    By Amanda Walsh Dennis In the heart of one of the poorest and most violent neighborhoods in San Francisco, middle school and high school kids are learning to access the peaceful stillness through the practice of meditation; even with chaos swirling just outside of their school walls. Four years ago, Burton High and Visitacion Valley School were plagued with fights 3-5 times per week and ranked in the bottom of California schools. They turned to an unusual remedy, transcendental meditation, and the results have been dramatic. Since implementing the program in which the school stops and takes 15 minutes of silence twice per day, suspensions in both schools are down over 75%, attendance has increased into the high 90th percentiles and kids are becoming “more conscious of their actions” and “less angry.” Administrators and teachers were skeptical at first, but the results have made believers out the most doubtful as they have watched the children and their school transform from the inside out. For more details, watch the full video here: is an avid supporter of the practice of meditation, especially for our youth. We support the David Lynch foundation ( an organization established to support any child in America who wants to learn and practice the Transcendental Meditation program, by donating 20% of the proceeds of our CD Compilation. Whether or not your child’s school understands the power of meditation at this point, you can begin implementing meditation at home. We have listed some great resources below to help you get started: Canada National TM Website Doctors on TM The David Lynch Foundation TM for ADHD TM for Students Victoria School for Ideal Education
  • loneliness
    Soul Bridging Inspiration ~ A Gift of Loneliness
    March 1, 2017
    Inspiration,Soul Bridging
    Loneliness is something that most of us experience at some time in our lives. The feelings of detachment, seclusion, and not being understood associated with loneliness can usher us into restlessness and a painful hunger for connection. We may find ourselves wondering if we can ever find a sense of loving connection again. For relief, we may turn our search outward and struggle to nurture relationships that aren’t uplifting or joyful. We may start new activities or distractions that provide only temporary comfort.
  • St. Francis
    Soul Bridging - Light of a Single Candle
    April 18, 2017
    All of the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light from a single candle. St. Francis
  • A Few Caring People
    Soul Bridging Inspiration - A Few Caring People
    June 5, 2017
    Never believe that a few caring people can't change the world, For indeed, that is all who ever have. Margaret Mead
  • Be Kind
    Soul Bridging Inspiration - Be Kind
    June 10, 2017
    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.
  • Shadow
    Soul Bridging Inspiration - Our Deepest Fear
    June 14, 2017
    Our Deepest Fear - Marianne Williamson 2min 9sec