
Loneliness is something that most of us experience at some time in our lives. Separative feelings such as detachment, isolation, or not being understood can usher us into restlessness and a painful hunger for connection with others.

We may find ourselves wondering if we can ever find a sense of loving connection again. For relief, we may turn our search outward and struggle to nurture relationships that aren’t uplifting or joyful. We may start new activities or distractions that provide only temporary comfort.

Powerful feelings of loneliness, though, can also be a call from the soul. Perhaps we have not been living in alignment with our authentic self or living to our true purpose. The experience of loneliness can be a way for our soul to communicate that the way we are living is inhibiting our spiritual growth. We can see this as an invitation to find a new way forward to live more fully.

When we view loneliness as an invitation to live more deeply we can respond in a richer way, a way that brings a deep and transformational shift into a new way of being.

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