It’s the stories that cause the trouble. Actually it’s a combination of lousy stories, plus resistance to what is happening that causes me misery – that causes me to suffer. Case in point. I notice sensation in my throat. Here’s what happens next.

[First the story] “Oh no – this feels like the beginning of a cold.” [Now the resistance] “This can’t be happening.” [More story] ”This is going to ruin everything. I’m going to be miserable. It’s going to ruin my trip. I’ll be exhausted and won’t be able to enjoy anything and won’t be able to do this. What if this turns into the flu, or strep throat, or pneumonia? This stinks.” [Finally more resistance] “Why me? Why now?”

Taking a moment to just observe my mental chatter I immediately recognize this familiar pattern of resistance and lousy stories. The wise observer asks, “What exactly does this sensation in your throat feel like?” “Hmmm. Well, it’s kind of hard to describe.” I get curious, diving in deeply to see exactly what it is I’m feeling. “I guess I’m feeling a tightness in my throat, but it’s not painful or uncomfortable. It’s limited to a very small area. My head feels clear. I have good energy. I actually feel pretty good right now.” And there you go. Right now I feel good. I’m fine. How about I enjoy this moment of feeling good with a little tightness in my throat?

Enjoy it I do. But the next day I wake up and immediately meet the day with resistance to new sensations. “Oh no, my throat is worse. My symptoms are progressing. I really am getting sick.” The wise observer jumps into action. “Slow down with your stories and resistance to what’s happening. Let all that go and focus on sensation. What’s happening in this moment?” “Ok – in this moment I feel pressure building in my throat. My throat feels scratchy and not fully open. I don’t feel any pain. My head is clear and my energy is good. I actually feel pretty good.”

Resistance and story keeps coming up, but I’m on to it now and in a nanosecond I switch to the wise observer, becoming curious about what is actually happening in this moment, and meeting it with acceptance and no story. Over the course of the week I have the best cold ever. Yes, I experience discomfort with a stuffed and runny nose and a cough and eventually less energy, but I don’t really suffer. Full Disclosure: Without cold medicine at night to help me sleep I probably would’ve suffered.

Here’s what I learned – and it applies to all areas of life – not just getting sick. When I drop the stories and resistance and go simply into sensation alone – magic happens. Sometimes the magic comes in the form of a release from suffering. Sometimes it comes in the form of an important lesson or a new perspective or strategy. Recognizing and letting go of lousy stories is always a great place to start.

Questions to Ponder:

Are there areas in your life that you’re meeting with resistance? Are you saying, “Why me?” “Why now?” “I hate that this is happening?”

What stories are you telling yourself about what’s happening? Can you see how the stories create more suffering? What happens if you let go of the stories? Is there something you’re being invited to learn, invited to see differently?

Can you drop into sensation and get curious about what you’re experiencing right in this moment? How does your body feel right now?