Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Gemini

Author: Therese Rossignol

Golden Apple Trees

The Personality in Gemini has the essential task of mastering communication. This means learning to know who you are communicating with, how they receive your messages, and how to understand them. In this Labor, Hercules struggles to recognize and follow his own inner spiritual voice over the instructions of a false and deceptive teacher. The apples of wisdom are available to him when he is able to rightly recognize his spiritual promptings and act with compassion.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Cancer

Author: Therese Rossignol

Ceryneian Doe

Cancer is a sign that connects deeply to the collective. While for the personality centered Cancerian this resonates for the intimate family unit, in the spiritually mature Cancer, it opens them to the family of man. In this Labor for Cancer, Hercules demonstrates how instinct is transformed into intuition so that our creative force can be brought into the realm of the sacred.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Virgo

Author: Therese Rossignol


Hercules and his encounter with the Queen of the Amazons, Hippolyte, brings us for the first time to the first real step into the spiritual realm. In Virgo, there is attention to order, organization, and purification of form. The divine feminine is the source of all manifested matter. When we balance the impulse of creation of the masculine with the feminine power to create, then the true expression of spirit can manifest. 

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Taurus

Author: Therese Rossignol

The Cretan Bull

The Soul in Taurus seeks to transform desire, possessions, and sensual fulfillment into enlightened living. Art, the beauty of form, and the world of substance are all central to the Taurean nature. But the spiritual perfection in Taurus occurs when the Taurean begins to see that all matter is, in fact, part of the great garment of God in manifestation.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Libra

Author: Therese Rossignol

The Erymanthian Boar

In this labor, Hercules is told to capture the wild boar, a symbol of the desire nature. He is told to time to eat and rest, an important aspect of a balanced life. But, as Hercules connects with friends and they eat and drink, conflict arises with the result being the death of his friends, the symbols of physical strength and wise thought. He goes on to capture the boar at the top of the mountain and brings him to Eurystheus.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Scorpio

Author: Therese Rossignol


In this labor, Killing the Lernaean Hydra, Hercules demonstrates the necessity for the hero to venture into the dark, destructive, and terrifying depths of the psyche. Only there do they meet and confront their shadow elements so that they may be brought into the light for transformation.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Sagittarius

Author: Therese Rossignol

The Myth in Sagittarius

Hercules rids the countryside of the noisy, disruptive, and ravenous Stymphalian Birds in this lesson. Through his Labor, Hercules demonstrates the importance of using the mind with directed purpose and intention so that thoughts become focused arrows for the soul's purpose.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Capricorn

Author: Therese Rossignol

Cerberus, the Hound of Hades

In this Labor, The Slaying of Cerberus, the Guardian of Hades, Hercules faces his most dangerous task. He must descend into the underworld, cross the river Styx, and capture the Hound of Hades, Cerberus. No human had ever returned from Hades, so Hercules visits the holy place of Eleusis where he is taught the mysteries of the underworld and how to travel there and back safely. Through this Labor, he demonstrates mastery over his personality through his ability to navigate successfully in the world of light and darkness.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Aquarius

Author: Therese Rossignol


As the soul evolves through the signs, it is evident that Hercules is increasingly successful in expressing his divine nature. His labors have an increasingly positive group impact. In This Labor, Cleaning the Augean Stables, he assumes the responsibility for clearing out the collective pollution and corruption that has been left unattended for years by King Augeas's horses.

Labors of Hercules – The Myth in Pisces

Author: Therese Rossignol

Labors of Hercules

In the final Labor on the zodiacal wheel, The Capture of the Red Cattle of Geryon, Hercules must journey across the sea to find, capture, and return the capture red cattle. Pisces, as the sign of the World Savior, has a profound role in uplifting service to others. So here, Hercules finds himself serving to ensure that the last of the cattle are returned to the Sacred City, the place of light. The Sun God Helios gives him a sacred vessel for the task indicating that Hercules is now expressing the full radiant light of the soul in service to the collective.