Messages From the Natural World2017-11-27T01:40:32+00:00
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Animal visitation or experiences in nature can speak to us in a way that guides us back to our essential being. The cycles of the moon, the seasons, and animal visitation can provide profound opportunities for healing and growth. Animals exist within the rhythms of nature and so the messages communicated by encounters with them  are often pure, simple and uncomplicated. When we consciously and intentionally connect with the natural world, when we bring our questions and troubles, we have access an unlimited source of wisdom to support our transformation and quality of life.

Finding Sanctuary in the Subtle World

I began to find sanctuary in the subtle world when II began using flower essences and reading about the deva kingdom. I was introduced to the concept of co-creating with nature. That nature is a living intelligence and that we are hardwired to work in cooperation with these living beings. That they hold the blueprint for our evolution and they desire to work with us to assist us in our own processes of expansion. This was a completely new idea to me.

By |April 3rd, 2018|Categories: Nature and Animal Messengers|Tags: |0 Comments

Going Barefoot on the Earth ~ Papatuanuku

What is important is that we open the channel to the Divine/God/ IO, and that we work hard to both enlarge and keep open that channel. One way of doing that is through Nature, and our connection to the planet. We are a part of the planet, made from and fed by it. In time, each of us will return to it and be reabsorbed by it. Our physical self will no longer exist, and yet it will have become a part of the planet, as it was before it appeared. In so doing we will be connected to all those who have passed and all those yet to be formed from it. There is no physical separation, either past, present, or future. We arise from our mother, the earth, walk upon and with her, and then return to be with and within her once more....read more.

By |January 13th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Meditation, Nature and Animal Messengers|Tags: , |2 Comments

Walking in the Wild

Find Your Wild I love backpacking. There is something immensely satisfying in traveling with all your belongings carried turtle-like on your back. Each footfall takes me further from civilization and deeper into the wild. Each step leads me back to myself. Worries, concerns, and my to-do list, all fall away; I am a snake shedding its skin, reborn into new life.

By |November 14th, 2017|Categories: Nature and Animal Messengers|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Magpie Messages – Finding Magic Around Us

There were many Magpie messages for me that night.  I have always loved these birds.  I admire how elegant they appear in their formal tuxedos with their long snappy tails. They seem clear cut, black and white, and then I see the flash of blue and the shimmer of iridescent green that sparks around them, reminding me that there is a hidden magic to life. I admire their intelligence, their ingenuity, and resourcefulness. These birds are bright and bold and proud of who they are.

By |September 30th, 2017|Categories: Nature and Animal Messengers, Shamanism|2 Comments

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