Horse as Healer

By |2019-05-30T01:59:42+00:00June 12th, 2019|Blog, Nature and Animal Messengers, Soul Bridging|

My life with horses began as a deep friendship and a whole lot of fun. After 35 years, my relationship with them is all that and so much more.My best friend of 27 years was my horse friend Admiral. We journeyed through life together, beginning in my early teens through marriage and motherhood. It wasn't until the time arrived for me to assist in his death that the profound awakening of our relationship opened to me. I'll talk more about that at another time.

Walking in the Wild

By |2017-11-27T01:41:16+00:00November 14th, 2017|Nature and Animal Messengers|

Find Your Wild I love backpacking. There is something immensely satisfying in traveling with all your belongings carried turtle-like on your back. Each footfall takes me further from civilization and deeper into the wild. Each step leads me back to myself. Worries, concerns, and my to-do list, all fall away; I am a snake shedding its skin, reborn into new life.

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