About Staff

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So far Staff has created 52 blog entries.

Joining Spiritual Forces

By |2020-02-25T20:46:27+00:00February 26th, 2020|Blog, Meditation, Soul Bridging|

Remember the cry for “liberty, equality, fraternity" so pivotal at the time of the French Revolution? These same principles are striving to work out now and will also govern the new and incoming age. Humanity is struggling to free itself from the yoke of its past and its old ways, so that it may live more fully these higher values, which will release so much light and life. The higher values are permeating the consciousness today of all those who are responding to this new Aquarian vibration, working to bring about a culture of sharing and peace, and adjusting the gross economic and social inequities of this day that cause so much pain and suffering.

Searching for My True Self

By |2019-11-07T18:55:46+00:00November 7th, 2019|User Soul Stories|

I've been on a spiritual path for years, a deep seated knowing but no words to articulate. I feel that recently I've entered into another spiritual level. Ready to understand and yearn more. Connect with [...]

Restoring Natural Resilience

By |2019-02-16T01:36:30+00:00August 18th, 2018|Blog, Soul Bridging|

What if you could restore your natural resilience so you could respond to situations with equanimity rather that react with intensity to stressful situations? The good news is your system is designed to move into harmony and resiliency.  This means you can learn to maintain a calm attitude, be at ease, and respond appropriately despite life’s daily challenges.

Mother’s Day 2018

By |2018-05-12T17:00:46+00:00May 13th, 2018|Blog, Inspiration|

Mothers are usually our first Love Lesson teachers. Mother energy is essential to our understanding of nurturing, love, connection, and sacrifice. And so, we are celebrating Mother’s Day this year with a 28-day inspirational focus on Rumi, love, and the soul. Rumi is one of the greatest poets when it comes to love and mystical spirituality.  His writing, when used as a point of focus in meditation, takes us beyond the trivialities of love. He re-orients us to the deeper transformation of love and it’s source, the soul. Through Rumi, we can dive deeper into the profound power of love, connection, and relationship.

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