Mindfulness Monday – Beginning a Mindfulness Practice

By |2019-06-10T21:51:14+00:00September 25th, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

Mindfulness is a practice of being purposefully aware of ourselves and being fully present in the moment. Through practicing mindfulness we strive to become fully attentive to our thoughts, actions, sensations, and feelings in the moment. Mindfulness is a path to developing deliberate consciousness.

Mindfulness And The Power Of Appreciation

By |2019-02-16T01:47:08+00:00May 29th, 2017|Mindfulness, Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

My reflections have uncovered a simple truth: To experience and feel appreciation, to show appreciation, to appreciate, requires the simple prerequisite of Mindfulness. And further, Appreciation is Power. Why don’t we experience the Powerfulness of Appreciation more often in our lives? Before we value anything, the fact that we value anything at all, is because we have first seen it and registered its value. Take our appreciation of a great work of art, for example, a beautiful piece of jewellery or furniture, or a Ming Dynasty vase. And yet we also know the experience of walking through a magnificent museum, past artefacts and exhibitions of great beauty and history, and yet, perhaps in a glaze and a daze, maybe with two or three toddlers in tow. We haven’t seen a thing.

Being in Our Body to Connect with Spirit

By |2017-11-27T01:41:33+00:00March 26th, 2017|Mindfulness|

When you are embodied, you bring light to planet earth by being a hundred percent you and by sharing your unique offering. You wouldn't feel doubt or lack of clarity, or at least, you wouldn't focus on them and let them drain you even more. You'd know why you are here and get on with your mission. When we are not here, not embodied, not grounded, we allow all those dark things that are happening around the globe to take over.

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