The Power of Intention

By |2018-10-29T23:33:59+00:00October 21st, 2018|Blog, Mindfulness|

“Hold the intention!” We have all heard, been asked, or said the words. Most often though, Intention involves a momentary thought or transient prayer. We sometimes follow-through, thinking transiently about the intention, but usually not. When intention is set in this way, it is merely a wish, thrown aimlessly into an ocean of the subtle realms.

Mindfulness Monday ~ Patience

By |2017-11-27T01:41:17+00:00November 13th, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

Practicing patience in mindfulness calls for us to slow down. It requires that we watch, wait, and we observe the circumstances that are unfolding. The conditions of the unfolding then help to determine the right time to take action. This slowing down and practice of patience can be challenge, especially in fast-moving demands of everyday life.

Mindfulness Monday ~ Trust

By |2017-11-27T01:41:18+00:00November 6th, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

Trust begins in our body When we pay attention to and trust what our bodies are telling us, we open ourselves to a well-spring of subtle information. Begin practicing trust by listening to your body. Listen to its tension. Listen to its aches, twitches, and impulses. Recognize and acknowledge what these hold for you in the moments throughout the day. What does your body communicate during difficult conversations, decisions, or interactions?

Mindfulness Monday ~ Non-attachment

By |2017-11-27T01:41:19+00:00October 30th, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

This week’s Mindfulness Monday focuses on Non-attachment. Attachment has its basis in desire – whatever the focus of that desire is. We acquire tangible property and ‘stuff’, or we experience attachment to a particular cherished ideal, relationship, or established ways of thinking. Most often we are not conscious of our attachment or the reason for it. Holding-on condemns us to living a constricted and imprisoned life. Think of a dog who is kept chained in a yard. He is not free to roam and explore as is his true nature. No chasing squirrels or birds. He can’t follow the scent of a favored human, or other pet. Instead, he is tightly tethered and forced into routine and conformity. He may be safe and out of trouble, but he is not exploring a world that is wide, open, and dynamic.

Mindfulness Monday ~ Acceptance

By |2017-11-27T01:41:20+00:00October 24th, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

Acceptance is translated in Latin as “to find rest in” and brings about calm and a peaceful mind. When practiced, the energy of reality offers a gift of a new way to experience everyday life. Acceptance presents us with a great open window. We can be stretched to grow, shift our frequency (find more positive responses) and explore other aspects of our coping mechanisms.

Living on Purpose – The Reality

By |2019-02-16T01:45:31+00:00October 10th, 2017|Mindfulness, Soul Bridging|

Living your purpose isn't always smooth sailing, despite what so many blog posts and videos out there seem to promise. Living your purpose isn't as flowing, light, and fun as everyone says - at least not all the time.  No, fun aside, living your purpose can be bloody hard at times. Sticky, roller coastery, exhausting. Why? Because it still means you'll need to live life, manage your thoughts, patterns, triggers, belief systems, the way you set up and run your business and relationships - just the same as when you're not living it.

Mindfulness Monday ~ Practicing Non-Judgement

By |2019-06-10T21:23:28+00:00October 9th, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

When we begin to operate from a place of non-judgement we open to yet unimagined options, alternatives, and possibilities. As we access the wisdom of the Ajna (third eye) from which Intuition and creativity flow we begin to see previously unseen potentials. This week, begin to practice non-judgement in your thinking. You may need to let those you work and interact with know you are practicing a different method of decision-making. Allow yourself room to work through the process. Try using these steps:

Mindfulness for Beginners – The Beginner’s Mind

By |2019-06-10T21:07:34+00:00October 2nd, 2017|Blog, Mindfulness|

A beginner’s mind requires that we hold an intention and attitude that is open to what is present in the moment. The present moment is perceived as if for the first time and has never been experienced before. It is brand new and full of possibilities. With a beginner’s mind, we are freed of assumptions, expectations, and routine. This then opens us to a flow of intuition, creativity, joy, miracle, and wonder.

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