Practicing patience in mindfulness calls for us to slow down. It requires that we watch, wait, and we observe the circumstances that are unfolding. Then the conditions of the unfolding can help to determine the right time to take action. This slowing down and practice of patience can be a challenge, especially in fast-moving demands of everyday life.

Impatience, its opposite, can be thought of as being ‘restlessly eager’. So, what is the harm of being quick to act when we are being mindful? What is the effect of rapid action or restless eagerness on a project, idea, or creative undertaking?

Its Like Baking a Cake

PatienceI like to think about it like baking a cake. The right ingredients for the batter are assembled. You mix the flour, sugar, eggs, milk, vanilla. An oven is warmed for baking. You bake it in the oven so the ingredients come together to form a fully baked, moist, and delicious cake. Yum.

But, we need to pay attention to the signals that the cake is ready, though. What is happening with our timing? If we are focusing on the cake just being ready, we don’t allow it to unfold in its own way. To communicate to us that it is ready.  The signals of doneness are ignored. If, in our impatience, we remove the cake before it is fully cooked, then the cake collapses. It is not a fully realized and baked cake. It can no longer be what we imagined it would be.

The Energy of Life Lends Support

There is an energy of the living world around us wants to help with our creations. But, we must provide it time to participate with us. A teacher of mine refers to this as ‘the wise use of slow action’. When are patient and allow a gentle unfolding, the energy of life is able to rise as a partner to support our endeavors. It will help to create the circumstances of success.

We practice patience by not focusing on the next thing, or even the outcome. We stand in watchful readiness and wait the signal to act. Allow things unfold in their own way. Through this patience practice, we are drawn inward to a greater wisdom and a surrounding life that is eager to support us.

Practice slowness and patience this week. Intentionally watch and observe the circumstances of unfolding. Recognize where there is an urge to act and breathe through it.