The Soul Purpose Astrological Consult is a valuable tool for understanding the natal (birth) chart and its key indicators of the soul's purpose. Through understanding our soul's intention, as indicated in the natal chart, we can develop a deeper understanding of ourselves and how we can best live to our highest purpose. During this 50-minute Soul Purpose Astrological Consult, we will identify the placement of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant in the natal chart from the perspective of the soul and its goal for incarnating. Included in this are the gifts and challenges that present with that placement. The Soul Point, also known as the Ascendant, or Rising Sign will also be explored. Additional areas for discussion could include the North and South Nodes, as well as the role of Pluto. To learn more about Spiritual, or Esoteric Astrology we recommend this article by William Meader, Esoteric Astrology: The Revealer of the Soul's Intention Note: Birth details are required to complete your natal birth chart. Consult requires the following information:

Date of Birth Place of Birth Time of Birth

Instructions for submitting birth information and scheduling consultation are provided in the purchase confirmation