Want To Run Away?

By |2019-11-06T20:51:30+00:00November 6th, 2019|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

I showed up to this gathering feeling fantastic – and the last thing I wanted was to start feeling sad as the people around me were expressing their grief. No – no – no – I definitely didn’t want to go there. I started looking longingly at the door. Was there any way I could slip away – without being noticed – and just go on my merry way? No chance.

Resisting Resistance – Embracing Change

By |2019-02-16T01:45:19+00:00October 28th, 2017|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

I’ve got to be honest. I resist autumn. I just never want summer to end. You’d think I’d realize that resistance does no good. Summer ends, every year, no matter what. So this year, when I started to feel that resistance bubble up – I thought – time to try a new approach. Let go. Release the tension. Relax into the present moment. Open my heart to exactly what’s happening right now.

Samskaras – The Untruths That Cause Suffering

By |2019-02-16T01:45:46+00:00October 6th, 2017|Soul Bridging, Walking the Path|

Some of us are well aware of our pitfalls – our traps of thinking that trip us up over and over. Some of us have been working for years to try and rid ourselves of these traps. And yet, we keep getting caught in the same old, same old samskaras. So we commit to trying harder to rid ourselves of this darkness, believing that’s it through pushing ourselves that we will overcome.To be honest, I don’t think that works very well. Fortunately a wise teacher recently suggested a different approach.


By |2017-11-27T01:41:23+00:00September 21st, 2017|Inspiration|

Cycles are sequences of events, ever repeating but never the same. Expressed as the in-breath and the out-breath, night following day, summer making way for fall, markets that boom and slump, and the cycle of life [...]

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