Many of us walking “the spiritual path” are looking for transformation. However, looking for it can often leave us feeling overwhelmed with the portrayals of what “spiritually transformed” looks like. We are seeking to become compassionate towards all but unattached; at peace with oneself yet humble; able to embrace the higher wisdom of all that comes our way, yet approaching life daily with a “beginner’s mind.” The list keeps growing with more time spent as a “spiritual student.”
shutterstock_222907966-300x223Writing as someone who has walked the transformational path for years, both personally and professionally, I can say that this accumulation of transformation goals can become burdensome and overwhelming, leaving us feeling inadequate.

We resonate with these idyllic concepts, and yearn to “arrive” as a balanced, enlightened, radiant being, but the steps between us and this ideal seem to be infinite. In actuality, they are.

No one truly arrives, because change and evolution are integral to the mechanics of life. This is wonderful news! We don’t have to chase ideals, and race to the finish line, because the endpoint will always morph.

We can settle in and take our time on the journey. I have found that implementing simple daily practices that help me get quiet, connected, clear, and present is much more effective than focusing on “the chase.” The effects are subtle, accumulative and profound.

Daily application of the following practices can help you settle into your transformational journey with a sense of peace and empowerment. In addition, by keeping to these practices you will allow space for the integration of lessons learned for real and lasting transformation.

1. Morning Affirmation

Starting the day off with an intentional tone is the first step to a “successfully” transformative day. This simple ritual is powerful because the mind is at its most susceptible when coming out of sleep, and when falling asleep. Morning affirmations allow us to override old programs and write new stories without the conscious mind interfering.

Pick something that speaks to you currently, such as “I love and appreciate my body,” or seed bigger visions such as “I am a magical being living a life of miracles.” Regardless of what you choose, it is most effective to affirm it over a significant period of time before moving on to a different one. Before long, it will become an automatic soundtrack to your morning.

2. Connecting with Nature
shutterstock_183565730-300x200The benefits of being in nature are countless, the reason being that we too are natural beings, fundamentally interconnected with nature. Nature knows how to heal us even when we don’t.

Make time daily to ground your bare feet on the soil, or stroll through the park. When outdoors, you can also make a more intentional effort to commune with the tree spirits or elementals and ask for guidance. Your relationship with nature will grow over time and you will be able to receive more and more, not only healing yourself, but also healing nature!

3. Moving Energy

Stagnant energy in your inner-space will severely hold you back. To keep from holding on to other’s emotions or getting stuck in negativity, do your best to move your body daily. Finding something you love to do is key, and once again can be as simple as a stroll, but can also be vigorous such as dancing or swimming. You will find yourself rejuvenated and inspired, with a clearer connection to your inner guidance.

4. Conscious Eating

Eating can be a sacred process if we realize that it is another way that we commune with nature. We have the ability to connect with the spirits of the plants, or animals, that we are merging our life force with. Mealtime is a great checkpoint to get quiet, grateful and present in preparation for this “alchemy.” We can even infuse intentions into our nourishment to help bring about specific healing to an area of the body, or even our lives.

5. Observation
shutterstock_132455525-300x300This practice can take some cultivation but yields more golden nuggets the more you practice. As you move about your day, make the effort to zoom out of the immediate situation and expand into an objective, all-observant state. This can be particularly helpful, yet challenging, when we find ourselves in a heated situation.

This exercise helps us awaken more of our consciousness, and tap into our oneness. It can also be practiced after events have already transpired, when you are seeking higher insights.

6. Night-time Meditation

Night-time meditation is the opportunity to clear energy, reaffirm intentions, connect to higher guidance, and set yourself up for a transformative upcoming day. This can be a time of deep healing.

I am a big fan of guided meditation because it can transmit subliminal information to the subconscious, even if you fall asleep. You can be working on clearing patterns as your body rests! There are many online resources for guided meditation, but some of my favorites are Davidji’s from the Chopra Center, and Anita Lucia Briggs’ of for deep inner work.

Wherever you are on your path, these simple tools, when practiced daily, can help you find guidance and “effortless” transformation, even during the sometimes darker periods of the spiritual seeker’s life.