Mindful Heart Astrology2019-09-21T00:30:39+00:00
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Jayne Logan
Jayne Logan

Developing greater self-awareness creates an opportunity to more fully engage in every aspect of our lives.  An understanding of Astrology, and how the signs, planets and houses relate to us, begins to offer a means for navigating the complexities of our personal journey.  Each month, Jayne will highlight the current sign of the zodiac, offering practical information on what it represents, its ruling planet, and how it comes alive in the horoscope.   Relatable anecdotes illustrating how these factors may be present in our lives will enliven the key concepts allowing you to develop and enhance your knowledge of Astrology.

Astrology Basics

Astrology Basic

Pisces Season 2020

he spiritual ruler of Pisces is Pluto, and this is a very different influence for those working to develop soul consciousness. As the planet of death, transformation, and rebirth, Pluto invites us into a more profound journey. One that takes us into the hidden realms of emotions, not only of yours, but also of others. Soul-work for the Piscean individual focuses deeply. There is a Plutonian urge to reach into the depths of humanity's shadow, bring healing and light to the darkest aspects. This can manifest either individually (in service to purification) or in group (as service to the collective).

By |February 18th, 2020|Categories: Astrology, Blog|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn

The long-awaited Pluto-Saturn Conjunction in Capricorn culminates this week. The influence of this rare cosmic event has been building for several months, and this week these two powerful planets have reached the same place in the heavens. If you have planets in Capricorn (or Cancer, it’s opposite sign), at or near 22 degrees, you are likely to feel this influence on a personal level. For the collective, this conjunction places a stamp on 2020 that will surely be pivotal.

By |January 10th, 2020|Categories: Astrology, Blog|Tags: |0 Comments

Beyond the Sun Sign

Exploring the Sun Sign aspects of astrology can be fun. We learn a little bit about ourselves and maybe have a giggle as well. While identifying your sun sign is, admittedly, a valuable way to begin to understand yourself, it is nearly impossible to go much deeper. Astrology has so much more to offer when we dive deeply into the details. So, what do we need to explore our astrology to get more in-depth insight?

By |September 24th, 2019|Categories: Astrology|0 Comments

The Worm Moon, Spring Equinox, and the Aries Ingress

The Worm Moon is the last full moon of winter. This is the third and last super moon of 2019 and occurs at the same time as the Spring Equinox and the Ingress into the sign of Aries, so it offers us a lot of support when we connect and aline with it.

By |March 19th, 2019|Categories: Astrology, Nature and Animal Messengers|Tags: , , |2 Comments

Introduction to Aspects: Soft Aspects and Orbs

Soft Aspects and Orbs: The trine and sextile are often referred to as soft aspects, and they suggest an energy between planets which is easy, flowing and innate. These aspects suggest cooperation between the energies of two (or more) planets and can reflect innate talents, things that come easily or naturally to the individual. As such, they offer opportunities for creativity; however, if there are too many easy aspects within a chart, there can be very little for a person to strive for.

By |March 15th, 2019|Categories: Astrology|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

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