The Shamanic Energy Session

My shamanic energy sessions are non-invasive and cooperative meaning that I work in tandem with Michael by inviting him to activate his own healing process. By intentionally calling in the universal energy and directing it into Michael, I become a conduit or electrical line, which Michael may utilize for allowing his body to heal. Michael’s intention to heal allows his body to regain its natural energy levels and flow and this ultimately creates a sense of relaxation and wellbeing within him. In other words, we work together to rebalance his energetic bank account.

While the chakra system is used as a foundation, I move where I am drawn by the amount of energy I experience along Michael’s body. At times, my hands are placed directly on his body (where appropriate) and at other times, if the energy feels stronger there, I hold them above his body.

My body shakes while I’m moving the energy on clients. Remember in my first installment when I talked about how I was affected by the energy after meditating on the Harmonic Convergence in 1987? At that time, my body shook for about 20 minutes straight and it was as if a 220-volt current was rushing through my 110-volt circuitry. I later realized that the shaking, which has occurred ever since then, is a direct result of that previous experience. It lets me know that the universal energy is running through me. I use that shaking as my timer when working on someone. The shaking continues as long as the energy needs to be moving in that area. Once I stop shaking, I move on to the next place where I am lead.Chakra

My particular style of healing came to me on its’ own. It occurred on that very same trip to Virginia Beach with my daughters in 1984. One of my main reasons for going on this vacation was to visit the Edgar Cayce Foundation also called the Association for Research and Enlightenment. Cayce, known as “The Sleeping Prophet” was considered to be a major healer of his time. In their store, I bought a book on the energy modality of polarity. That day I had time to read only a few pages.

The following morning, in the restroom at the campsite where we were staying, a woman come in and told her friend that she had just been stung by a wasp. She was in quite a bit of pain. As I was stepping out of the stall, I heard these words come out of my mouth, “I may be able to help you.” I was stunned! Who said that? Certainly not me! The woman looked at me and said, “Yes, please help me.” Well, what was I to do? The only thing that came to me was what I had just seen in the few pages of the book I had only just begun. Luckily, I remembered the illustrations. I told her to hold out the hand with the sting and I rubbed my hands together and held one over and the other under her hand. Then I silently prayed! Hard! “Please let this work!” I suppose I could say that this was my very first prayer of intention, although, I was also praying that I wouldn’t make a complete fool of myself!

Amazingly, in about five minutes of holding my hands above and below hers, we noticed that the swelling had gone down, the redness had all but disappeared, and most importantly, she told me that the pain was almost totally gone! With a big look of surprise on her face, she asked me, “How did you do that?” and all I could mumble as I was heading out the door in a bit of a stupor was that I honestly didn’t know!

What I did know was that I was going to finish reading that book and find out! From that book and experience, I came to understand that, as human beings, we are connected at a very deep level. Soon after, when I thought I was ready to learn more, I was pointedly “told” by my spirit guides not to read anything else about energy work and not to take any classes on it. They said they would teach me all I needed to know for the time being. So, I began to use what I had learned so far on my daughters and friends and as I continued, more information came to me to do this and to try that. Each subsequent “lesson” from my guides seemed to work with good results, such good results that a few years later I was guided to offer sessions to clients.

Since then, over these many years, I’ve had quite a few clients tell me that the energy work I do is an “uplifting” experience for them – literally! So often, when I have finished working with someone and we are sharing our session experiences, they will tell me it felt as if they were physically being lifted off the table or that they were being gently rocked in a hammock. Perhaps this indicates a lightening of their inner burdens, through their intention to heal, which allows their spirit to rise.

Quite often images or messages come to me when I’m working with someone. For instance, and this is a true story, several years ago I was doing energy work on a journalist who came to interview me for the local newspaper. A very strange image came to me of assorted huge black and brown bugs that had pins stuck through them. They were displayed on white cotton and were hanging on a wall in frames. I had long ago been told by my guides not to edit what I am shown in these visions and I had rather reluctantly agreed.

So, at this point I had a choice to make. Either go against the agreement with my guides or tell this journalist what I saw and perhaps her have think I was a crackpot and make a laughing stock of me in her article! I ultimately chose to abide by my agreement and gingerly told the journalist what I had seen. At first, I thought she was laughing at me and then I realized that she had burst into tears! She told me that her father, who had died within the last six months, had been a collector of bugs and had frames such as these on his walls. She was sure that he had used this session to come through to let her know that he was still around her. Needless to say, I was totally relieved and the article was a success! Receiving messages of this sort prove to me just how connected we truly are in the universe and even to those in other dimensions!

Let’s get back to Michael now as he and I complete our work together. The way of ending an energy session is as important as the session itself. It is imperative to make sure the work is complete. I ask my guides if there is anything else that needs to be done and then I either do what I’m “told” or finish up accordingly.

If there is nothing more to do, I now move to his feet to ground him, as it is highly important for him to be able to safely drive home! I have Michael envision roots coming out of the soles of his feet that grow deep into the earth and spread out as wide as is necessary for him to feel grounded. After that, I purposefully close his chakras. With gratitude, I release the universal energies and then I disengage my energies from his. We then sit and talk about the session and all questions are answered so that Michael feels comfortable and confident before leaving. Often, I will have him hold a particular stone like jet or hematite or septarian close to his belly for an added dollop of grounding.

After he leaves, I energetically clear the room again with Palo Santo and reset it with the intention for the highest good to come to the next person who enters.

Coming up are some other important elements about energy work. 

Core beliefs and healing

Shamans understand that there are three major causes of illness or sources of blockages in the body. They are: disharmony, fear and/or soul loss. All of these are caused by the belief that we are separate from the whole; the web of life. The art of “mending the soul” includes using energy work, among many other modalities, to bring us back into alignment with the whole of who we are and our connection to the All That Is (ATI).

Our minds are incredible factories. We can create beliefs, whether outwardly true or not, that can be tremendous instigators of illness. For instance, if Michael simply believes that he deserves to be ill, for whatever reason, and he tells himself this enough times with conviction then his body just may respond to and comply with that belief. Whether Michael’s beliefs are conscious or subconscious, it doesn’t matter because beliefs work either way. For instance, if he is constantly berating himself, it could cause him to have a sour stomach that over time creates toxins that accumulate in his body and eventually cause him discomfort and perhaps an ulcer or long-term illness.

From my experience, with so many clients over the past 30 years, I have noticed that a deep core belief most people have is that they are unworthy to be whole, healthy or happy. This also signifies the belief that so many of us feel separate from the precious and supportive unity or oneness of life.

As a shamanic energy practitioner, I assist those who come to me in discovering where any detrimental core beliefs originate and how they can reverse these harmful beliefs. One particular process I use engages my client; let’s call her Amy, in dialog during the course of the energy work. Let’s say that Amy has been dealing with anxiety and doesn’t know where it’s coming from. As she is lying on the healing table, I guide her through several steps in order to get a clear, firsthand picture of what has occurred in her life that is causing an imbalance and what can be done to reverse it. Though what you read below is quite simplified for this article, the dialog may go something like this:

Me: Amy, I want you to scan your body and see where you are feeling the most sensation or emotion right now.

Amy: I’m feeling a strange sensation in my heart.

Me: Can you describe the sensation?

Amy: It feels heavy. Like a brick. Like, it’s weighing me down.

Me: Ok. If you are able, I want you to give that sensation a voice and ask it to tell you what is important for you to know about why it is here.

Amy: (After a little time) It’s telling me that it wants me to know that I am lovable. It’s saying that what happened when I was a child wasn’t my fault and that I deserve to be loved. And that I have the right to be here, to be alive and to breathe without feeling fear.

Me: What else is important for you to know right now?

Amy: It wants me to forgive myself for hanging onto the fear. And that it’s time to let it go and to breathe easy.

Me: Is this something you feel ready to do now? (Most often the client will only “hear” what they are ready to allow into their lives.)

Amy: Yes. I feel ready to let it go. (From here, we continue the session in a way that supports her releasing that old belief.)

The body wants to be whole, and with conscious intention, it will work with Amy to restore her to health. With this process, Amy becomes empowered to take responsibility for working through what comes up for her during the session as well as for continuing to resolve what comes up for her afterwards. Once Amy has uncovered her shadow-self or hidden aspects, she is able to shift her core belief and begin to reconnect with the oneness.