The first time I met Raven, up close and personal, was when I was a young woman working in the Rocky Mountains. I had often seen the birds floating on the wind, high above me or heard their calls, but I had never looked a Raven in the eye.

Strength and Presence

I came upon her as I was walking in a meadow. She was striding through the tall grass, just a few feet from me.  I thought she might fly away or be frightened by my appearance, but no, she stood her ground and observed me. She had such strength and presence, in truth, I was the one who felt intimidated! This bird was huge!  She came up to my knee and looked at me with such intensity; it was as though she could see right through me.

From that day on I felt a special connection with Raven.  I read all about them and would watch for them. They are amazing creatures with a keen intelligence. They have many vocalizations and can problem solve and use tools. They build alliances with other species and will work together to achieve their goals.  They are very family oriented and form strong pair bonds. Ravens are playful and love to fly as demonstrated by their aerial displays.

Raven MagicA Raven Pair

There is a pair of Ravens who live at my stable.  They have built a nest in the corner of one of the horse sheds. The birds live here all year round. When the young are in the nest, the Ravens will chase people away, but the horses are always welcome in the shelter. It has been a comfortable relationship for many years.

This year something changed. In the early spring, with the snow still on the ground, my horse Smoke and I rode by the shed when the Ravens were busy with the work of fixing up their nest.  Smoke was nervous about moving past the shed.  He had never been shy of the birds before. I thought he was concerned that the Ravens might fly at us and just left it at that.

Testing Our Confidence

Not long after, Smoke and I and a friend were in a nearby building where we have our round pen. I don’t like being inside. It makes me nervous.  The building creaks and groans, cars rush by, you can’t see what is going on outside, and there are tarps and chairs and other human paraphernalia lying around.  These are all things that can spook a horse and certainly spook me! Smoke lives outside all year round and we ride outside in the fields of the property or on the trails in the nearby forests.  We do not go inside. It is not our natural habitat! On this day, we were there to help me work though my feeling nervous about being in the building.

We had only been inside for a short time when the Ravens came. I could hear them land on the roof of the building. I honestly do not know what they were doing up there, but they were making a terrible racket – cawing and jumping up and down! They sounded more like a herd of elephants than two adult birds!  My first thought was that the Ravens had decided to come and help me by making all kinds of sudden noises thereby giving me the opportunity to work through any fear Smoke and I had about creaking roofs!  They were genuinely helpful and carried on, intermittently, for a good half hour.

Magic and Mystery

Then my friend asked me what does Raven mean to you?  To me, Raven represents Magic and the Great Mystery. Raven is the bringer of MagiRaven Magicc. Raven comes from the Great Mystery, the darkness of the void, where all Creation begins. Raven is a messenger from the Spiritual Realm. He is the color of black and black holds all colour within it and holds all possibility. Raven carries healing power and can give us the courage to go into the unknown. Raven helps to manifest intention and keeps the energy of Creation until it is ready to be birthed into the light.

And then I realized what the Ravens had been trying to show me all Spring – they were showing me that I was not afraid of Raven, not afraid of their racket or afraid of their flying at me out of the shed.  I was not frightened of Raven’s magic, but of my own magic and power.

Finding Your Power and Grace

How many of us feel this way? How often do we keep ourselves small and do not allow the full expression of our gifts because of a belief we hold or a judgment someone has made against us?  Sometimes it feels safer to cover our light because we fear the changes and the responsibility that may come with acknowledging our gifts, our magic.

Raven will help you see the power and grace within you. Raven can help you find what brings you joy and to follow your heart’s truth.

Raven shone a light for me so I could see where I was not allowing my Spirit to express itself fully. Raven taught me to be playful, and that life is supposed to be fun! Raven showed me how to let my Spirit shine and to soar in the sky.

Perhaps Raven can show you too.

Blessing and Thanks to Raven for their Magic.

Peace and Joy,
