

A Line Cast into the Realm of Spirit

“Hold the intention!” We have all heard, been asked, or said the words. Most often though, Intention involves a momentary thought or transient prayer. We sometimes follow-through, thinking transiently about the intention, but usually not. When intention is set in this way, it is merely a wish, thrown aimlessly into an ocean of the subtle realms.

While not totally ineffective, this is a faint shadow of what is possible when we instill Will and Spirit into our intention. When we exercise intention in an aligned way, when married to purpose and connection, we create an electrically charged line thrown into a realm of spirit waiting to be summoned to our aid.

So, what is intention, really?

Much more than a wish, Intention is the power and purpose behind creation. When we are striving to create or effect something that is typically beyond our usual reach of influence, intention is our source of power.

A thought is energy, but intention provides the thought with purpose and direction. This process charges the thought and multiplies its impact. When thought is harnessed with the energy of our spiritual will and purpose, the result is Spiritual Magic.

Spirit and Intention

IntentionLiving our spiritual truth asks that we awaken to the reality that we straddle two worlds. One demonstrates the reality of our  form and the other our access to spirit. Our awakening requires a shift in consciousness and, to a large degree, lots of practice. We need to learn this skill, just as we learn any other skill, whether it is riding a bike, casting a fishing line, or learning a foreign language. Through the adoption of this new skill, we are introduced to just one of the gifts of living in partnership with spirit.

Living Between Worlds

Learn to watch and navigate this experience between worlds. The language is different in these places, and we are asked to behave differently in each. While, this can feel awkward and unfamiliar at first, stay with it. You will soon find your own way to navigate.

We are not alone in our spiritual work. There is a subtle world of spirit beyond our view just waiting for an invitation to help us in what we are striving to manifest. The subtle realms are here for us and ready to help us on our journey. But, spirit doesn’t interfere with a request. There is an etiquette in the world of spirit, and they don’t act without invitation.

Spirit is intimately involved with the energy of creation. It is well connected and infinitely able to align resources for our aid. Once we invite it, when we call in the energy of spirit to work with us, we get an answer fairly quickly.

The Quality of Our Request

IntentionTry to connect with where your intention is arising from in your body. Is it coming from below the waist (desires)? Above the waist (aspiration)? When we are manifesting below the waist we are more self- focused. Noticing where in your body these intentions arise from, can provide important clues, and especially if they are selfish in origin.

When our intention originates above the waist, and especially when it is connected to your spiritual self, they have a higher vibration. The subtle world responds differently to the energy when they originate from selfishness and self-interest. If they originate with the soul and express through the heart, they generate a powerful call to spirit.

One of my favorite sayings is, “Angels delight in service to Christ”. I understand this to mean that when I am in service to my soul and my highest good, and the greater good around me, spirit is more able (and successful) at helping to manifest through the subtle world (angels, deva, spirit).

So requests, when made sincerely and through your highest intentions, will activate the subtle reality around you in support.

What About Not Getting a Response?

There have been times when, in spite of repeated intention and invocation, I did not get a response. Some might call these “unanswered prayers”. I call them my “protective denials”. I have learned over time that when my requests for assistance are not in alignment with my soul’s purpose, the subtle realms seek to protect me.


This protection is by not answering the request. This is an important part of managing my will, letting go of the result, and trusting a greater wisdom that holds a larger perspective.

A “no” or “protective denial” requires that we go back and explore the intention. The process of understanding the intention provides a huge opportunity for self-understanding and learning.

The Steps for Intention

  1. Find Calm: Quiet your mind and settle your emotions. When you are calm and settled your energy won’t get lost to the mental or emotional bodies. Meditation is a great tool for this. If you need a bit of help with meditation, consider using our meditation resources.
    • Take a few minutes to settle your energy system. Sit comfortably. Find stillness in your thoughts and emotions.
    • Breathe deeply several times. This helps settle a busy mind and emotions. Your energy will be free to focus on your unfolding intention.
  2. Align Your Energy: Focus your attention on your heart. It helps to envision a spark of white or golden light – consciously connect that light from your heart through the deep center of your head to a point about 5-8 above your head. Now follow that line of light down through your base into the earth below you. Hold the place of high and low at the same time. Your whole being is now engaged in the process.
  3. Set the intention. State your intention. Be as specific and detailed as necessary. I recommend asking aloud. If you can, imagine the intention emanating from the place between and a bit above your eyebrows.
    • I always state, after my request, “in alignment with [my] soul, [my] greatest good, and for the good of the one life”.
  4. Release: Once you have set the intention, let it go. As the Buddha says, attachment is the source of all suffering. Fear, insecurity, uncertainty all work against manifesting. When these feelings arise, remind yourself that, “Everything will work out the way that it is supposed to”.
  5. Pay attention: Notice how the world around you responds. You will receive an answer. Practicing mindfulness and conscious awareness, you may not hear (or see it). I sometimes get my response from a bird, a flower, or a subtle signal.


Soul Goods are chosen to support your work with intention. Set intention and hold it throughout the course of your day. Intention products such as our burning bowls, intention shawls will help you to reset your intention and remember to say “Thank You” to your partner, the world of spirit.