Capricorn Full Moon – 12 January 2017

On January 12th at 3:34am (PST) we will welcome the full moon. At the time of the full moon the Sun and the Moon are exactly opposite one another in the sky. Because of that opposition and the opportunity for alignment we consider both planets equally important. We must always try to balance the opposing energies of any constellation if we want to create a more harmonious flow within ourselves. Capricorn represents the Father principle, not to be confused with patriarchy or how we traditionally view the masculine energy. It’s a principle that embodies Spirit, while Cancer represents the Mother, or matter.

It is lightly suggested that the Father principle knows what to do, but doesn’t know how to do it while the Mother principle knows how to do it, but doesn’t know what to do. Of course, this is a great generalization but the idea is that the Father is the active energy while the Mother is receptive, not to be confused with passivity. Capricorn is an earth sign which means it embodies the qualities of solidity, pragmatism and concrete reality, whereas Cancer is a water sign, making it much more fluid, sensitive and emotional.Capricorn Cancer Full Moon

Powerful Challenges

This particular full moon presents us with several powerful challenges. We are dealing with what is called a cardinal cross. It is when 4 planets are all in cardinal signs and they form a cross in the sky. These planets are the Sun, Moon, Jupiter and Uranus.  What this cross is asking of us is to strengthen our patience, to use our intelligence in making decisions, to act in a purposeful way, with discipline and an attitude of cooperation. The energies of this cross can stimulate impulsiveness, rash and thoughtless behavior. Part of this dynamic is the tension between the need for revolution (Uranus) and our need for balance, (Jupiter in Libra).  How do you balance these energies in your everyday life? The more thoughtful we are this month in pondering these questions the better able we will be to handle these intense energies.

Let us begin now to prepare for meditation. In this meditation, I would like you to have pencil and paper handy. Also, know that at any time in any of these mediations if you need more time to contemplate you can just pause the recording then re-enter when you are ready. So do that now if you need a few minutes to get paper and pen and get settled.

Full Moon in Capricorn

A Balanced Revolution

Deepen Your Transformation

Pondering these questions as you enter into meditation this month, especially on the day of the full moon, can deepen your transformation.

“How do we balance the “go with the flow” energy of Cancer with the, “Let’s make it happen” energy of Capricorn? How do you see it playing out in your everyday life?

Capricorn is a provider, Cancer the nurturer. Can we learn to be a nurturing provider?

Cancer feels, Capricorn, not so much. How can we become lovingly detached?  Neither sign is radical or impulsive although both contain strong will energy.

Join Karen Johannsen in the Full Moon Meditation for Capricorn 2017

Listen Now

The Meditation Text

Today we are going to spend this time together thoughtfully considering the new cycle we are just beginning this month. 2017 is a new year, an opportunity to start over. A wonderful teacher, Tama Kieves said, “How you end one year is how you begin the next.” She invites us to take a few moments to ponder the last year, 2016. So, I’d like us to do that right now. Let’s close our eyes and get comfortable. Have your paper and pen handy. Begin with a few deep breaths and notice the feeling of relaxation that occurs with each breath. The body becoming relaxed, (pause) the mind becoming still, (pause) and the emotional body becoming quiescent and quiet.(pause) Sit for just a moment noticing how your breathing brings you home into the body, to rest. (pause) Now from this quiet place within let us look at this past year in terms of the relationship you have developed within yourself. Tama suggests we ask ourselves these questions, and I will give you several minutes after each question to contemplate and write down your response. The first question is, “How did this past year help you grow?” (pause for a few minutes) Second question, “Who did you become through facing the circumstances in your life?” (pause for a few minutes) Lastly, “What were your biggest lessons?”

Now in this place of stillness let us go deeper.  I wish to take you on an imaginary journey. In your mind’s eye take yourself to a place of great beauty. Perhaps it’s just an imaginary place or maybe you have actually been there.  Breathe in the stillness that you find there. This is sacred ground. Look around and notice what you see? Are there sounds that you hear? Let’s imagine that the temperature is just right and you feel a sweet, warm breeze on your face. Feel yourself fully there in this place that is just for you. You are safe here. Now find a comfortable place to sit or lie and if possible touch the earth in some way, sitting or lying down. Feel the mother energy of Cancer holding you, supporting you, nurturing you.(pause) Now let your eyes wander up to the skies, to the heavens and imagine the father energy of Capricorn there, the realm of Spirit. Ask now, that these two energies join within you, at the heart. The alignment of Spirit and Matter. Breathe that alignment into your body.

Now from this place of alignment let us contemplate for a few minutes this new year that we have begun. I’d like you to think about intentions. There are the traditional intentions which imply doing something, but I’d like you to consider what I call sacred intentions. These intentions aren’t about doing they are about Being. Let’s contemplate these questions, and please write down your answers if you wish to.

  • “How do I want to Be this next year? How do I want to show up in the world?”
  • “What essential part of my nature do I want to demonstrate, to live?”
  • Now, let’s make that into a statement, “I am_______.” Just use a few words, maybe even one. Now see if you can give yourself one idea of how you can make that happen? What is one thing you could do that would help you to Be that in the world?
  • “Is there anything in the way of your Being that in the world? Anything you need to release or let go of in order to demonstrate that?” For example: “I want to be more loving, but I need to let go of judging myself and others in order to be that.” Ponder that for a moment. Now, see if it is possible for you to say, from your heart, “I release that. I let that go, as much as I can.”

See yourself now, living that quality in the world. What would that look like? Feel like? Can you breathe that feeling into your body? (pause)

We will close with this prayer, from Tama Kieves.

I bless this year of my life. I bless all that it offered me and I bless all that I received. I thank myself for this year of my life. I thank myself for everything I tried, whether or not it worked. I thank myself for all the times I believed in myself, even if I could not sustain it for as long as I would have liked. I thank myself for the times I got it right. I thank myself for the times I stretched. I thank myself for the times I was generous with myself, I thank myself for the times I invested in my dreams. I thank myself for the times I spoke my truth and for the times I hunted for my truth. Now I ask that this new beginning be blessed. May I feed it with my love and attention. May this new beginning grow into a beautiful year of blessing for myself and for everyone I touch.

And so it is.