nature messengers

I remember my first encounter with him. I had heard he frequented the woodpile and could be seen around the hotel. Everyone had seen him at one time or another, everyone but me.

On my last night, I sent a silent request that I might see him before I left. I did not expect anything. I doubted he would hear me. I did not believe it would amount to anything.

And yet, the next morning, there he was, walking along the banks of the river.  He paused and looked up at me, meeting my eyes – a beautiful Pine Marten.  I was exhilarated and amazed.  I had called, and he had answered.

A pine marten standing on a branch in a tree - Ontario, Canada

Nature Speaks in a Personal Way

That day Pine Marten opened a gateway to a whole new world. I could call a wild animal!  I could ask, and if it was in the highest good, I could receive!  I could co-create with the Wild Ones. I was astonished that this was possible!

Over the years I caught glimpses of this shy woodland creature, usually darting across my path or peering at me from the top of a snowy bough. Each time our relationship grew a bit more. I learned about Pine Marten habits and behaviours.  I learned when she was active and what she liked to eat.  Most importantly, I paid attention to what Pine Marten was trying to tell me when he blessed me with a visit.

Signaling Courage, Curiosity, or Confidence

The Spirit of this species – of all the Pine Martens, both male and female, offered me guidance and empowerment. I could call on Pine Marten energy when I needed courage, curiosity or confidence. I could call on Pine Marten and feel the essence of his Being. It felt like I had a Pine Marten sitting on my shoulder, keeping me company.  He was a friend and ally.

One snowy November I was heading out to the mountains. Before I went, I asked if Pine Marten would come and see me in the physical world – if it was in the highest good and safe for all.

The first night, I was in that space between waking and sleeping, when I heard a dry rustling sound from the other room.  My body yearned for sleep, and I tried to ignore it. I burrowed deeper into the covers. The sound came again, more insistent.

An Unusual Messenger

I slipped out of bed to investigate.  Coming to meet me was a Pine Marten.  We stopped and observed each other for a moment, then he shot back across the floor and disappeared behind the dishwasher.

I sat on the nearby couch and waited, hopeful he would show himself again.

Curiosity got the better of him, and a small elfin face peered out at me. Joy and a childlike sense of wonder infused me. Here we sat, for a good hour and a half, reaching out across the barriers that separated us to make a genuine heartfelt connection.

Peace, gratitude and welcome welled up within me and flowed from me to the furry visitor. Pine Marten gradually emerged, bit by bit, from his hiding place and peered up at me.  One slight twitch of my finger sent him back, but he immediately turned around to look at me with his bright black eyes.

I spoke to him, and he chirred a greeting back to me. He was intensely curious and very cautious, but I sensed no fear in him. He seemed to mirror back to me the wonder that I felt.

Teaching Trust

Finally, cold to the bone, I told him I had to go to bed and that he was welcome to eat the crackers on the counter.  I trusted he knew the way out.  I thanked him for his appearance and for spending so much time with me.  I reminded him not to make a habit of it as most people would feel threatened by his visitation.

And I went to bed and fell sound asleep.

When I awoke in the morning he had eaten every cracker, leaving only a single crumb behind.

ShamanismI knew he would not return.  He had answered my call and offered me the gift of communion.  I knew his visit was a calling to go beyond what I believed was possible, to seek that communion with all Life. Pine Marten showed me what it was to dance with Creation.

He showed me what is possible when I choose to expand my awareness beyond what I believe to be true about the world and notice what is all around me. The world is bigger, wider, deeper and more profound than I had ever dreamed possible. Whole new vistas of Being opened for me because of this innocuous member of the weasel family.

Learning to Listen Differently

The world is always speaking to you if you choose to listen deeply. The Universe is offering us signs and messages.

It is those special moments, when we are captured by the wash of colour in the sky, by the chatter of the birds in our backyard, or by a feather floating to the ground at our feet.

It is when an animal shows up in your life in an unexpected way.  Perhaps a Pine Marten crosses your path, or you see an image of the same animal multiple times over a short period, or you may see an animal behaving in an unusual way.

It is these moments that carry the magic and the message, information that can guide us on our road and open new paths of awareness.

If this happens to you, take a moment. Check in with your body and your feelings. How did this encounter make you feel?  Feelings are the language of the Universe and carry information. Ask, what is the gift or message the animal brings?  If you take the time to be still and quiet and attune to your inner knowing, you will hear the message. It will rise within you like a whisper on the wind. It will carry you into new realms of understanding and can transform your life.

Peace and Blessings,
