The Magic of Seven
Seven is a significant number for humanity and our evolving consciousness. It has had cultural significance throughout human history and is frequently referred to in religious texts. The number seven is woven through our stories, myths, and traditions with it meaning completeness, wholeness, and fulfillment.
Ray Soul Types
Soul Types and Rayology This Soul Types quiz draws it's questions and answers from Rayology. Also known as the study of the Seven Rays, Rayology is a tool that supports our self-awareness, consciousness, and [...]
Leo Full Moon 2019
The journey through Leo requires the courage and devotion of the Lion, one of the symbols of Leo. We are asked to embody nothing less than the spark of divinity that we are. Once that recognition takes place and we feel our sacredness, we feel the connection to our heart, we become aware of the gifts we have to share with the world.
Desperado and the Right Use of Power
Awareness choice and commitment are powerful transformative tools. When confronted with the challenge to address the improper use of power, my decision to experience and hold all my nasty emotions and thoughts continued to shift the dynamic in the herd. I was in complete awe bearing witness to the energetic shifts only by me owning my experience in thought and emotion fully.
Super Powers – Facing Fear – Feeling Feelings
Here’s the super power that would really be helpful - no fear of feeling feelings. What if I had no fear to feel? What if I was able to accept and welcome all of my feelings? What if I had no fear of my emotions overwhelming me – taking residence and never leaving?
The Four Directions – Ritual Practice
The Four Directions are recognized by cultures throughout human history as having specific energy patterns and qualities. The directions correspond with the four aspects of the human body (physical body, mind, emotions, and spirit) and the four elements of nature (fire, air, earth, and water). Incorporating the four directions in ceremony and spiritual practice provides power and valuable support for integration and healing