The Fiery Energy of the Aries Full Moon
As the Sun enters the sign of Aries we welcome the fiery, initiating energy of Spring and the promise of new beginnings. This month we have several planets that converge to strengthen the initiating impulse, so we might be especially prone to impulsive actions and thoughtless activity.
Understanding Our Shadow
The shadow holds the deep, unexplored and powerful energies of creation, destruction, and passion. Civil society doesn’t encourage, or in many situations, permit, expression of these deeper energies. However, when we develop intimacy with these aspects of our deeper self, we gain access to tremendous creativity.
What Would It Look Like If It Were Easy?
My daughter and I were having a fun conversation exploring ways to approach some challenges. She threw out the question, “What would it look like if that challenge were easy?” I can’t stop thinking about that question.
Soul Speak ~ The Center of the Heart
A focus on the energy of the heart anchors and aligns us and helps to move us into a place of grace and inspiration. Listen as Debra Rozman explains why this is so.
Our Deep Unconscious Work
Our unconscious mind takes us to a place of deeper meaning. Being afraid and confused will always be a way for us to find meaning in the world. But, we must be willing to deal with the deeper thoughts and feelings, and the pain that they carry, to realize a creative and fulfilling life. When you face it now, it changes your life now.
Understanding Our Conscious Mind
Our conscious mind is comfortable with what is predictable. However, we can get lost in and settle for roles in life that just work for us. However, this is most often unfulfilling. When we re-inhabit our emotional body, and awaken our unconscious minds we awaken to a richer and more fulfilling life.