Cancer Full Moon

With the sun in Cancer we move into a more reflective place where we focus on our inner growth. What we gave birth to at the Winter Solstice now needs to be nurtured with supportive structures. The essence of the Cancer energies is to foster and protect, to create and sustain a nurturing environment for whatever we are creating. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is a water element. Thus Cancer Full Moonthe Cancer person is subject to mood swings as the lunar cycle ebbs and flows. The moon is also associated with our emotional body creating a sensitivity that can be helpful if it allows us to sense another’s pain, but can also be destructive if we become reactive and defensive when we feel threatened.

Balancing the Masculine and Feminine

Full moons always heighten our awareness. Whatever is not in balance and integrity is challenged to evolve or dissolve. With the Sun in Cancer, representing the Mother principle, and the moon in Capricorn, representing the Father, we are asked to bring into balance the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. We must learn to integrate assertiveness with cooperation, and bring our head and heart into alignment.

The Cancer person must learn to receive, not just give. She must focus on nurturing herself before she allows her energy to go outward to others. Capricorn must learn how to give back and be more sensitive to the needs of others. The crab, (one of the symbols for Cancer) can build too thick a shell, while the mountain goat, (Capricorn symbol) can climb the wrong mountain. Cancer must develop healthy roots to stay centered and Capricorn must learn to share the fruits of his labor.

Feelings, Responsibility, and Power

The more we disregard our own feelings and needs the greater the risk that we will violate the rights of others. The less responsibility we assume the less power we have.

This full moon has many challenging aspects that will require courage and a deep commitment to focus on what unites us. It asks us to prepare for big changes and to strengthen our belief that peace is possible. It also can show us whether our crab shells are too thick or too thin, where we need to shed our defenses or establish better boundaries. We will need to be sure we are climbing the right mountain and not just following someone else’s path.

Full Moon in Cancer

Cancer Full Moon Meditation

With the sun in Cancer we move into a more reflective place where we focus on our inner growth. What we gave birth to at the Winter Solstice now needs to be nurtured with supportive structures. The essence of the Cancer energies is to foster and protect, to create and sustain a nurturing environment for whatever we are creating. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is a water element. Thus the Cancer person is subject to mood swings as the lunar cycle ebbs and flows. The moon is also associated with our emotional body creating a sensitivity that can be helpful if it allows us to sense another’s pain, but can also be destructive if we become reactive and defensive when we feel threatened.

Full moons always heighten our awareness. Whatever is not in balance and integrity is challenged to evolve or dissolve. With the Sun in Cancer, representing the Mother principle, and the moon in Capricorn, representing the Father, we are asked to bring into balance the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves. We must learn to integrate assertiveness with cooperation, and bring our head and heart into alignment.

The Cancer person must learn to receive, not just give. She must focus on nurturing herself before she allows her energy to go outward to others. Capricorn must learn how to give back and be more sensitive to the needs of others. The crab, (one of the symbols for Cancer) can build too thick a shell, while the mountain goat, (Capricorn symbol) can climb the wrong mountain. Cancer must develop healthy roots to stay centered and Capricorn must learn to share the fruits of his labor.

The more we disregard out own feelings and needs the greater the risk that we will violate the rights of others. The less responsibility we assume the less power we have.

This full moon has many challenging aspects that will require courage and a deep commitment to focus on what unites us. It asks us to prepare for big changes and to strengthen our belief that peace is possible. It also can show us whether our crab shells are too thick or too thin, where we need to shed our defenses or establish better boundaries. We will need to be sure we are climbing the right mountain and not just following someone else’s path.



In our meditation, today we will spend a few minutes aligning with our higher wisdom, the Soul, and then we will sit in the silence while we contemplate a few questions related to the energies of this full moon. There will be a 10-minute pause to give you time to open and receive any insights or awareness’s to these few questions. You might find it helpful to have a pen and paper handy so you can write down any impressions you receive. I will bring you back with the sound of the bell. Let us prepare for meditation.

Take a moment to get comfortable in your seat, sitting with the spine erect but with no tension or constriction. Now let us begin by taking a few deep breaths, feeling the breath enter the body, filling it with light and ease. Notice any tension in the body and send the healing breath to those places. Feel the body release and let go as you exhale. Sit for a few moments and just allow the breath to help you to come home, into the body, to settle and relax. Now take a moment and send the breath into your emotional body, settling down any feelings or sensations that may be disturbing your peace. Imagine a lake whose waters are still and calm, no ripples or waves just stillness. Breath in that calm. Then send your breath into the mind. Ask the mind to cooperate with you as you begin this meditation. Ask that it quiet down and that the busy chatter subside for just this time. Now imagine the light of the soul coalescing in a ball of light right above your head. Send your attention there and ask to be connected to this great source of wisdom. Take whatever time you need to feel that alignment take place.

Now from this place of deep connection to your highest wisdom, ask the Soul to expand your consciousness and provide you with insights into one or more of the following questions:

How can I stand in my own power as an individual and not lose my nurturing self?

How do I become my own inner authority and not become dependent on how other people see me or what others might expect of me?

How can I bring this integrated power and unconditional love out into the world to be of greater service?

(Silence for 10 minutes)

Ring the bell.

Now bring yourselves gently back to the room where you are sitting and feel yourself grounded as you bring your energy into your body. Breathe deeply for a few minutes and open your eyes.

Take some time now to record any impressions or insights that you may have gained from your meditation.
