shamanic initiationWhile shamanic initiation may be unique for each individual, cross-culturally, there are similarities. My shamanic initiation experiences had many hallmarks of traditional initiations. Here are those that I encountered:

Upper world experience – My sense, in 1987, was that I was somewhere above my physical form in celestial space. During my crow experience I had physically traveled to the upper world through a black hole in the sky.

Unity consciousness – In 1987, I did not feel separate from anything. I was part of the all that is, one with cosmic consciousness. That experience helps me to remember my connection with the web of life.

Spiritual death and rebirth – In my 1987 experience, I didn’t know that I existed nor did I have a sense of self. I thought I was dead. I was told that this is what it would be like when it was my time to go. Rebirth happened to my physical body while going through that energetic transformation. The crows killed parts of me and then brought me to life with new understanding. In Peru, the void represented the death of ego and control.

Briefly forgetting personal history – While in both voids, I forgot that I was a person. Therefore, I had no history.

Meeting a helping Spirit – In 1987, without actually seeing, I sensed, a being who telepathically told me I had to go back. Crow is one of my primary animal allies.

Sense of purpose – In 1987, the being told me I had to return because there was something I had to do.

Dismembering – In 1987, after returning, I was energetically broken down. The crows took me apart physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Re-membering – In 1987, 220 volts of electricity ran through my 110-volt wiring to rebuild me. The crows also rebuilt me with new knowledge and the lapis lazuli stone they placed in my throat. The void rebuilt me to be consciously aware of my attachment to ego and of when I am over controlling.

Sensing Energy – In 1987, my energy system was rewired. Spiritual power feels like the taking on or sharing of energy.

Divine Madness – I am sure that had anyone walked into the room during any of these experiences, they would have thought me mad, especially in 1987! My guess is that those in the room with me that night thought I had taken leave of my senses and that is absolutely true! My senses flooded me like a Tsunami. I had absolutely no control of them or myself.

Understanding Reality – From all of these firsthand experiences I know there is much more beyond our ordinary reality.

Shamanic empowerment – Shamanic power comes once the initiation experience is understood. I finally understood my first experience in 1987 when I met Tom Cowan and realized that I had been preparing to walk the shamanic path. Each time I have an initiation and understand its message, I become more empowered.

Each one of the aforementioned aspects are important markers for understanding shamanic initiation. There are many more than space allows in this post. 

What comes after initiation or rebirth?

Great responsibility comes with gaining access to the healing arts through shamanic initiation. Afterwards, the initiatory candidate is able to use their newfound abilities to help others.

Once we see the truth behind what we thought was the only reality, our world opens up to different choices. Because of this, an initiation can change us in so many ways that we are finally able to let go of old behavioral patterns that no longer serve us. Even relationships can fall by the wayside if we see them differently.

Change in life is inevitable. We often hold on to people and behaviors out of habit. Whether or not they are beneficial or destructive, it’s what we know and the known gives its own kind of comfort. After a shamanic initiation, what we know changes. Our worlds and lives become bigger because we see beyond the ordinary world.

Hopefully you now have a good understanding of how shamanic initiation is a form of rebirth. By the way, you don’t have to be a shamanic practitioner to have your own initiation experiences. They can come on both micro and macro levels. Many occur right here in what is called the ordinary realm without having to be taken into the non-ordinary realms or dimensions.

Each and every one of us makes choices at points in our lives that can be viewed as initiation opportunities. These choices can either hold us back from who we are truly meant to be or propel us into our next amazing phase of life.

If we choose to struggle against choices and initiation opportunities out of fear, they will most likely result in discomfort or dis-ease of one sort or another. If we choose to venture through them, these opportunities have the power to renew or recreate us in the present moment. From there…we are empowered, like the season of spring, to awaken and begin again!

To learn more about shamanism on your own, here are a couple of good books you may choose to read:
Cave and Cosmos: Shamanic Encounters with another Reality – Michael Harner
Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life – Tom Cowan