Energy and Stardust

“We are stardust,” as the lyrics go by Crosby, Stills & Nash! These three wise troubadours knew what the ancient shamans knew – that every one of us originates from the stars and to the stars we will return one day. And, more than that, every single thing in the entire universe is made of that very same substance…stardust!

Amazing, huh? Now, add to this the fact that the transformative power of stardust is energy, the stuff of magic that was discharged during the Big Bang. As Einstein proved, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, however, it can be transformed and has been, into everything that exists in the universe! So, be it human, animal, plant or mineral, we are all made of stardust, comprised of energy and, therefore, we are all connected with each other and with everything in the universe!

Let’s keep this thread going. Since we are all connected with each other and with everything in the universe, doesn’t it make sense that when we come in contact with another person, we connect, consciously or not, on both a physical and energetic level? For instance, have you ever been magnetically attracted to someone without really understanding why? Some part of you automatically picked up on the other person’s energy or vibes. You resonated with that person’s electromagnetic field – the field of energy that surrounds all things in the universe. Keep this important piece of information in mind for what we will be talking about later.

Because everything is energy, of course, it exists in the atmosphere all around us as well. Think about it. Like fish in water that aren’t aware that they are in water or how they are affected by it, we are constantly picking up on the sea of energy around us. Our personal vocabulary is a major clue of this and often tells us what is going on for us energetically. “I have a bad vibe about that.” “My gut told me not to do it.” “Wow! The energy at this concert is amazing!” The Beach Boys (remember them?) had it right when they sang, “I’m picking up good vibrations.” We’re all picking up good vibrations! And, yes, the not so good feeling ones as well. It’s a natural by-product of being part of the oneness or unity of life.

The oneness or unity of life

In my first article, on the shamanic initiation process, I shared that in my first initiation I found myself in an ocean of pure energy. I described it like being inside a television when the picture had turned to snow. I realize now that the ocean of energy was most likely the stardust. I lost my humanness in this stardust and became one with everything that exists in the universe, part of the fabric or web of life. In this web of life, I was at-one-ment (atonement) with the All That Is (ATI) – the unity of everything. In the Eastern traditions, this oneness is called Samadhi and it is said to be attainable during the practice of vipassana meditation. So, too, my experience occurred while I was meditating.

If you recall, while there, I was told by a spirit being that this was where I would return when it was my time, but for now I had to go back. I would one day return to the sea of energy or the stardust that is the oneness or unity of life.

Energy, the fabric or web of life that exists all around us has different names in different cultures: Prana, Chi, Kundalini, Ka, Orenda to name a few. Whether or not we realize it, each person is both sending and receiving energy at all times. It’s a nonstop event. Depending on the amount of effort and intention that we put into sending or receiving energy, we can either boost or deplete our personal energy bank account. Just like a financial bank account, it’s important to maintain a good energy balance. A little later, I’ll give you some valuable energy banking information. For now, let’s have a little fun!

Experimenting with energy

Rather than just telling you about energy, perhaps actually experiencing it will give you a good “feel” for it. If you focus, you may be able to feel and perhaps even visually see energy surrounding other people and objects. Yes, remember that inanimate objects also have energy fields. You can do this experiment alone or with a partner if someone else is around and willing to play with you.

First, rub your hands together for 10 seconds or so. Then, if alone, with your hands almost touching, palm towards palm a fraction of an inch apart, tune in to what you feel. Do you feel a slight resistance like you are trying to hold two magnets together? As you move your hands closer and then farther apart, do you notice a difference in the pull? Do you experience any tingling?

Now, look closely between your hands. Do you see something? You may have to rub your hands together again first. Also, standing in front of a light colored wall can help. When I do this experiment, I see a little bit of haziness or a grayish space close to my hands. The haziness is my energy field. You may even see a color in this field.

It’s ok if you don’t experience or see anything at first. It comes easier to some people than others. And we each experience the energy fields in different ways. They can be seen, physically felt or intuitively sensed. Some neither see nor feel anything. It doesn’t matter! The energy field is there whether or not you can see, feel or sense it.

If someone is around who is willing to work with you, you may want to try the following. Rub your hands together while your partner simply holds out their hand palm down. Then separate your hands and slowly begin to move them, starting from the left side, one over and one under, your partner’s hand. Hold your hands stationary over and under your partner’s hand for a few seconds and then slowly move it away to the right. You can go back and forth a few times. Then, ask your partner if they noticed any sensations. And, what did you notice?

Some sensations may include tingling, warmth, coolness or maybe a pull or pushing. You may switch roles with your partner so both of you can experience each scenario.

Experimenting with auras

Did you happen to notice any color with the energy? The color that surrounds someone is called an aura. Some people see colors in auras and others don’t. Many years ago, I was “told” by my spirit guides that there was a good reason why I couldn’t see aura colors. They told me that it was so I wouldn’t judge others according to what color they were exhibiting while I was doing energy work on them. Today, I can see colors but will only tune in when someone specifically asks me to do so.

The aura colors, though they may appear randomly when surrounding the body, are the same as the seven-chakras and rainbow colors. The chakras are invisible spinning wheels of energy that exist in the center of our bodies in alignment with our spinal column. Similar to the way our heart pumps blood through our blood vessels, the chakras pump our energy through its system. Each chakra emanates its own color. Beginning at the root chakra, at the base of your spine, and working up, they are

Crown           Violet

Third Eye     Indigo

Throat            Blue

Heart             Green

Solar Plexus  Yellow

Sacral            Orange

Root              Red

Each chakra and chakra color has its own characteristics and meaning. You may want to read more about this on your own. One of the best-known people in the field of energy, chakra and aura work is Barbara Ann Brennan. Barbara started out as a physicist who worked for NASA. Her book, Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, has won high accolades around the world and is a good resource for additional reading on this subject. This information can also be found in many places online.

Speaking of auras, years ago, in 1984, my two daughters and I were traveling to Virginia Beach on vacation. Along the highway, I noticed the thick telephone cables and, as usual, they had a dark grayness emanating or haloing out from them. I said to my girls, “Isn’t it amazing that telephone wires have that strange gray glow around them?” Dead silence followed. Finally, one of them said, “What are you talking about Mom? We don’t see anything around the wires.” Now I was the one stunned into silence! That was the first time in my life I realized that not everyone naturally sees energy around stuff! Until then, I assumed we all saw it but just never thought to talk about it!

If you want to test to see if you can see auras, simply stare, with soft eyes, in the direction of an object or person that is before you. Soft eyes, or unfocused eyes, means to allow yourself to go into a bit of a daydream state where you are not really looking directly at or focusing on something in particular, but more gazing into the space in between you and the person or object. Looking with soft eyes allows that which is usually unseen to be seen. Don’t be surprised if it takes a little practice.

Again, as in the energy experiment above, it helps if the object or person is located in front of a light colored wall. As you stare, look at the edges of the person’s skin or the outline of the object. Do you see anything surrounding what or who you are looking at? Keep in mind that it might be a bit hazy or wavy in appearance similar to the hand energy experiments from above. How about color? Do you see any? Again, it’s ok if you don’t see anything. Be gentle with yourself, without judging.

Now that, hopefully, you have had some success when playing with energy and auras, we will next talk about how energy can be purposely manipulated to assist someone in their healing process.