
The Law of Cause and Effect

KarmaKarma means the intent and actions of an individual (cause) influence the future of that individual (effect). It is also know as the law of cause-and-effect.

The concept of Karma fascinated me when I was young. It wasn’t called karma in the Christian tradition I was raised in and I never actually heard the term ‘Karma’ until I was much older. We were taught that we were in a state of Grace – benefitting by getting what you don’t deserve just because you are a child of God. Grace is an expression of God’s constant state of giving. We focused on the Grace and the knowledge that the reckoning happens after death and when you’re standing in judgement at the pearly gates.

Sin makes its own hell, and goodness its own heaven.      

Mary Baker Eddy

We understood that God was always watching. There were no secrets and he knew our thoughts. He saw what we did. He kept track of everything and wrote the details down in the huge Book of Life. I wondered in my child mind how God managed to keep an eye on everyone. How did he know what I thought? I imagined two columns, perhaps linked to the Santa myth, of ’naughty’ or ‘nice’. All the entries would be reviewed at our death. And, the accounting would determine if we were permitted though the gates of heaven, or redirected – to a much warmer place.

Struggling to See Justice

I began to notice that there didn’t seem to be consequences for the bully, the abuser, or the liar in a way that seemed just to my child mind. A lack of fairness crept in. There were some people who continued to act badly yet seemed to be rewarded, despite their cruelty or bad behavior. I didn’t see much punishment. The bible was clear; “for whatsoever a man sows, so shall he also reap”, but what I observed didn’t seem to prove that out.

As I got a bit older, I reasoned that God could not possibly monitor every single large and small happening for every person and write it all down in The Book. To accommodate that practicality, I began to include the participation of other ‘watchers’.

The angels and saints were in assistance and kept the records on God’s behalf. They were the watchers and the scribes, keeping track of all the good and bad thoughts and deeds on behalf of justice.

Throughout the evolution of my understanding of cause-and-effect, was the underlying concept that there was an external watcher. Someone outside of us who was observing and keeping track, so that we could face our reckoning on the day of judgement.

A Drive to Uplift

In my heart though, I knew there was something beyond getting what you don’t deserve. There lies in all of us some energetic exchange around conscience and a desire to do good for others. This is beyond concern over acts that were right or wrong and whether we are getting into heaven.

This was and has always been the mystery for me. What makes one person different from another in that way? Why are some conscious of their kindness, and others oblivious to their cruelty? What is it that makes someone want to do good rather than bad? It is more than just following the rules or caring what loved ones and the neighbors think. Where do these differences come from?

Path to the LightReincarnation and Karma holds a key for understanding this. We have consciousness after we die; we are consciousness before we are born. Our incarnation-al imperative is driven by the urge to transform into beings of love and light. Karma is the means though which we manage that purification and transformation.

There is No Watcher

It is interesting, and even exciting, when you understand the mechanism of Karma. There is no external watcher. We are watching ourselves. We are, each, the record keeper of the book of our lives. And the capacity for this is built into the very structure of our human spiritual anatomy (I’ll be writing more about this spiritual anatomy in a future post).

  • We have within our human constitution and spiritual anatomy mechanisms to record the vibration of our lives.
  • We register the vibration of our intent and actions (in a part of our spiritual anatomy called permanent atoms) throughout the course of our entire lifetime.
  • Each permanent atom records the vibration and energy of your life and holds it through your lifetime. There is one each for the mental, emotional, and physical bodies. So, that’s how even our thoughts are recorded – they are part of our thought vibrations.
  • The vibrations (the negative ones) that are in need of transformation are what we refer to as bad Karma. These stay with us through countless incarnations until it they are transformed into light.
  • Our deep consciousness – our spirit – participates in our life plan to transform our darkness and incrementally bring more light vibration, and blessing into each successive incarnation.

The Law of Karma Takes a Long View

So, that recording of the quality our lives is on-going, throughout this life and into the next one. The human spiritual anatomy provides for the recording of our acts and the creation of our Karma. We (as our consciousness) carry the keys in the balancing of our acts from one life to the next.

We hold ourselves to account for the quality of our thoughts, words, and deeds.

So yes, God is always watching. But it is the God-self in you that is the keeper of the records.